First problem:
I have my WooCommerce settings set up to have a checkbox at checkout so buyers can opt in to receive marketing emails. This data is not passed through to ConvertKit. It sends their name, email and product purchased, but I have no idea if they consented to emails.
Second problem:
I have a long list of products I never sell and the buyers of these products are no longer on my email list. I want to delete these products from ConvertKit but there isn’t a way to do this.
In both instances I have contacted ConvertKit about the problem and been told this is a WooCommerce problem and therefore they cannot do anything about it.
Can anyone help? I can’t believe that I am the only person to ever ask about this, particularly the first issue which means I am unable to stay GDPR compliant as I do not know who consented and who didn’t.
If anyone can offer solutions to these problems I would be very grateful.
]]>I need to have all events transferred because I use the the past events as documentation in order to apply public funding. in total I have approx. 3600 events to move.
The main problem is that this plugin both establish own tables (3) in the database (very good) and uses the existing tables: wp-posts, wp_postmeta, wp_termmeta, wp_terms, wp_term_relationships (very bad and not user-friendly at all)
In comparison Ajax Event Calender organises everything in 2 tables!
What to do?
Is this plugin the right option?
Should I take evening classes in programming and mend the trusted old friend?
We use 3 sets of short code and that is over 30 team members to re-input. Is there no way of downloading it and then reinstalling the data into pro? That is not great incentive to have us upgrade our systems.
]]>Any way I could get some help? I would soo appreciate it and after reading the documentation about how to handle dev sites I’ve learned my much needed lesson.
Thanks so much!
]]>I hope this is the best place to post this as I am a newbie.
I have currently being using Office 365 websites to provide my website but want to transfer the data from there to WordPress.
Does anyone know of any easy way to transfer the data I have on my Office 365 website to WordPress.
I have thought of copying & pasting the pages and even looked up web scraping software as another way of doing this but is there something easier.
It is mainly text I would be looking at transferring and it isn’t in anything complicated just text on a page.
Thanks so much for any advice you can offer
]]>They give 1500 MB of disk space and 100 GB data transfer. I am now using them for about 3 years and never seen any downtime of server problems. There is no any kind of advertising on my pages too, so I think its worth to signup.
What do you think about free hosting ?
]]>He has testing machines that feed results into a host computer, which then sends the results in table/CSV type format, to a third-party company/website that allows my relative to create login information for clinic managers to login and see the test results as they come in.
He wants to bring this whole process into to his WordPress website (or at the very least make it appear that these clinic managers/doctors are on his WordPress site still).
Requirements would include:
-A way to pull in the data from the host computer
-Display the data behind a login wall
-Have data on test results be displayed only to specific users, while other data is private from other users. Master admin can access all result data
Does anyone have any idea where I start with this?
There is some documentation from the test machine company, but it focuses mainly on the setup of the test results going to the host computer. Nothing on getting that info to a login site.
Any help or tips of any kind would be greatly appreciated!