I want to import my WordPress site into Xampp for offline editing. However, when I want to import the sql file into my local database it generate the following errors:
Using Duplicator plugin doesn’t work as my host doesn’t allow it.
I have looked everywhere, but its pretty hard when not familiar any of the problems.
Anyone a clue?
Static analysis:
23 errors were found during analysis.
Unexpected character. (near “:” at position 1335)
Unexpected character. (near “:” at position 1338)
Unexpected character. (near “:” at position 1404)
Unexpected character. (near “:” at position 1407)
Ending quote ‘ was expected. (near “” at position 1537)
A comma or a closing bracket was expected (near “0000” at position 1322)
Unexpected token. (near “-00” at position 1326)
Unexpected token. (near “-00” at position 1329)
Unexpected token. (near “00” at position 1333)
Unexpected token. (near “:” at position 1335)
Unexpected token. (near “00” at position 1336)
Unexpected token. (near “:” at position 1338)
Unexpected token. (near “00” at position 1339)
Unexpected token. (near “‘, es_sent_endtime
datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘” at position 1341)
Unexpected token. (near “0000” at position 1391)
Unexpected token. (near “-00” at position 1395)
Unexpected token. (near “-00” at position 1398)
Unexpected token. (near “00” at position 1402)
Unexpected token. (near “:” at position 1404)
Unexpected token. (near “00” at position 1405)
Unexpected token. (near “:” at position 1407)
Unexpected token. (near “00” at position 1408)
Unexpected token. (near “‘, es_sent_count
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, es_sent_preview
text ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=22 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8″ at position 1410)
SQL query:
INSERT INTO wp_es_pluginconfig
, es_c_fromname
, es_c_fromemail
, es_c_mailtype
, es_c_adminmailoption
, es_c_adminemail
, es_c_adminmailsubject
, es_c_adminmailcontant
, es_c_usermailoption
, es_c_usermailsubject
, es_c_usermailcontant
, es_c_optinoption
, es_c_optinsubject
, es_c_optincontent
, es_c_optinlink
, es_c_unsublink
, es_c_unsubtext
, es_c_unsubhtml
, es_c_subhtml
, es_c_message1
, es_c_message2
) VALUES (1, ‘Travelaar.nl’, ‘<<email adress>>’, ‘WP HTML MAIL’, ‘YES’, ‘<<email adress>>’, ‘ New email subscription’, ‘Hi Admin, \r\n\r\nWe have received a request to subscribe new email address to receive emails from our website. \r\n\r\nEmail: ###EMAIL### \r\nName : ###NAME### \r\n\r\nThank You\r\n’, ‘YES’, ‘ Welkom bij travelaar.nl!’, ‘Hallo ###NAME###!\r\n\r\nVanaf nu zal je de nieuwsbrief van travelaar.nl in je inbox krijgen..\r\n\r\nBedankt en tot snel!’, ‘Double Opt In’, ‘ Bevestig je email..’, ‘Hallo ###NAME###! \r\n\r\nVia onderstaande link kun je je emailadres bevestigen.\r\n\r\n<a href=\\” CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_es_sentdetails
( es_sent_id
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, es_sent_guid
varchar(255) NOT NULL, es_sent_qstring
varchar(255) NOT NULL, es_sent_source
varchar(255) NOT NULL, es_sent_starttime
datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’, es_sent_endtime
datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’, es_sent_count
int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, es_sent_preview
MySQL said: Documentation
#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,
datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0000-00-00 ‘ at line 2
SQL query:
— Table structure for wp_commentmeta
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS wp_commentmeta
MySQL said: Documentation
#1046 – No database selected
Restoration with UpdraftPlus was successful, but I didn’t get WP 3.6 back.
So I tried to import my old database with WP 3.6, but I cannot do it.
I am getting:
“MySQL said: Documentation
#1007 – Can’t create database ‘*****_*****’; database exists“
What should I do?!
Should I delete existing database first, and then import old database?
ERROR: C1 C2 LEN: 2 3 79
MySQL: 5.1.49-3-log
PHP VER,OS: 5.2.6 Linux
LANG: da
???[w?X?&?>w???Αv??~?3.?$?r?????? ?? \(??U?^??????????u????<????5???/9sε? H?%?F?miX????[??;
—-SLUT R?—-
???[w?X?&?>w???Αv??~?3.?$?r?????? ?? \(??U?^??????????u????<????5???/9sε? H?%?F?miX????[??;
MySQL returnerede:
#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘?’ at line 1
If I try to manually export the database from phpmyadmin on the old host without the plugin I get another error when importing through the phpmyadmin interface on the new host – that is:
CREATE DATABASE name_of_database_on_old_server
DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;
MySQL returnerede:
#1044 – Access denied for user
What can I do?
]]>I came across a problem when reimporting wordpress’ database after a backup to move it in another server.
During the importing process I get the following error in phphmyadmin:
query SQL:
— Dump dei dati per la tabellawp_commentmeta
INSERT INTOwp_commentmeta
VALUES ( 3, 3, ‘_wp_trash_meta_status’, ‘0’ ) , ( 4, 3, ‘_wp_trash_meta_time’, ‘1305040047’ ) ;Messaggio di MySQL:
#1062 – Duplicate entry ‘3’ for key 1
What is this? How can I fix it?
Thanks for any help
]]>In addition, when I tried to import my old database I got this error:
The uploaded file could not be moved to /var/www/vhosts/wolseleygirl.com/subdomains/cats/httpdocs/wp-content.
This is a fresh install — I just changed hosts and I’m working from scratch. There are no legacy issues to deal with.