After I looked at the HTML source, I found something strange in the schema created by AIO SEO.
For example in this post:
If I check the database, the results are like this:
post_date = 2023-09-26 11:53:06
post_date_gmt = 2023-09-26 03:53:06
which is correct, because I set the time zone to GMT+8.
BUT, if you look at the schema structure, what this plugin takes is post_date_gmt so it becomes:
This is what causes every time I publish an article, every time Google indexes the article, it should only take a few minutes, but on Google or Google News it can appear several hours ago.
Let’s take the example I just posted . Now, when I take this screenshot, it is currently 15:09 (GMT+8)
Pay attention to the description on Google News: 12 hours ago!
In fact, this article was posted at:
post_date = 2023-10-14 10:40:13 (My sitemap shows the correct hours)
post_date_gmt = 2023-10-14 02:40:13
If your schema is correct, Google News should say 4 or 5 hours ago. But because the AIO schema takes it from post_date_gmt so it becomes 12 hours ago.
This also applies to dateModified
Or am I mistaken?
Thanks for your help
]]>I am trying to remove the datePublished and dateModified meta tags from blog posts.
I have this in my functions.php file and the publish date remains in the source code:
add_filter( 'rank_math/snippet/rich_snippet_article_entity', function( $data ) {
unset( $data['datePublished'] );
return $data;
}, 10, 1 );
As per this:
How can I remove these date meta tags?
]]>Google’s structured data testing tool reports an error in the date of the topic’s posts.
The message is this:
28 Sep 2020 (The 28 Sep 2020 value could not be understood as a date / time. Learn more about date / time formats.)
How can I solve the problem?
I have already configured several different date formats in the WordPress dashboard, but it did not solve the problem.
Thanks a lot for the help!
]]>It is possible to disable datepublished and datemodified schema meta tags individualy for single posts?
Sometimes it is better not to have these meta tags.
Thank you.
]]>Since some Weeks, all my Pages have at “last Modified Date” in the google Serps.
The Homepage too, not only the posts or pages.
I tryed some plugins, “hide my date” “wp date remover” and so on.
It Disable the date in posts, but i have everytime in soucecode from yoast for example:
<!– This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v11.6 – –>
<meta name=”description” content=”MY PAGE NAME AND DISCRPTION.”/>
<link rel=”canonical” href=”” />
<script type=’application/ld+json’ class=’yoast-schema-graph yoast-schema-graph–main’>{“@context”:””,”@graph”:[{“@type”:”WebSite”,”@id”:””,”url”:””,”name”:”mypage”,”potentialAction”:{“@type”:”SearchAction”,”target”:”{search_term_string}”,”query-input”:”required name=search_term_string”}},{“@type”:”WebPage”,”@id”:””,”url”:””,”inLanguage”:”de-DE”,”name”:”mypage | discription”,”isPartOf”:{“@id”:””},”datePublished”:”2019-02-12T16:04:56+00:00″,”dateModified”:”2019-05-19T11:22:46+00:00″,”description”:”MYPAGE DISCRIPTION.”}]}</script>
<!– / Yoast SEO plugin. –>
and this
is what google take for google serp.. in homepage too
i disable all “show date” in yoast settings..
how i can remove this… it not cool if ever page they will never change the discription at homemade, show the last modified date.
PLEASE HELP.. iam there with this problem since 2 days.
I’ve started using your plugin and I love it! There is one thing I can’t figure out yet.
One of the fields in BlogPosting is “datePublished 2018-08-02T14:53:17+00:00” which I need to remove from the markup.
Can you please let me know how can this be done?
Thank you!
]]>So can u please help me with the code to remove datepublished?
Thanks in advance. The plugin is very good.
]]>First: thank you for the plugin. It’s very user friendly.
But as I stated in the Topic Title. Every Blog-post I create ends up with the same
values (headline, datePublished, dateModified, description, articleBody) set by an earlier post. If I alter these values in the earlier post the values for all post change as well. Disabled all other plugins but the problem remains. Nor am I using a cache plugin, as values do change.
Running PHP 7
Because it doesn’t make sense to have different blog-pages refer to structured data when al the data, dates, headlines, description an article bodies are the same.
Is there any way I can create different values for Duplicate headline, datePublished, dateModified, description, articleBody?
Kind regards,
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