I think a check box can be ‘easy’ to implement like (field = value) or !(field = value) if checked or unchecked
Like this, it will be perfect for any kind of site. Actually for dating site it does’nt make sense, since the best match will be from people searching the same thing (guys looking for women will get guys looking for women as best match…)
Best regards
]]>I’ve just built a dating site in WordPress. As I’m trying to give the site to affiliate networks, I also need additional (external) squeeze/registration pages.
So, my question is: is there any plugin that could help me connect the squeeze pages to the main page? I.e. when a user registers on a external squeeze page, he’s automatically registered on (and redirected to) my dating site. Is there any way it could be done?
I am looking for wordpress developer(s) who ill be able to upgrade existing dating site to wordpress platform. Technical details will be sent by email.
Kind regards,
Long time reader, first time writer.. I was hoping someone on the forum could give some advice.
We require a plugin for a membership directory site.
We currently use:
Gravity Forms
We require a plugin that will allow people to become a ‘member’ of our site on a free, trial or paid plan which allows them to:
1) create a profile page (enter info and add a picture that will upload info so all profiles have same look and fields)
2) auto bill them via paypal
3) all members have their own standard contact form (when visitor sees their profile and fills it in it will email them directly. Built with conditional logic e.g Gravity Forms)
4) paid members can edit this contact form add/remove questions
5) Can have multiple forms (contact, feedback, quote request etc)
6) members can login to see details of their own completed forms
7) members based on their plan can see secure pages, forums etc (later on)
8) visitors to the site can type in member names to find their public profile on our site (bonus if they can also search on their specialities listed in profile)
9) profiles are very SEO friendly
Does anyone have any advice? It’s for a business directory but I was even thinking maybe some sort of dating plugin (which shows profiles) might be good too?
Would love ANY help! Thank you so much x
]]>I know the amount of members and figures on the site are all falsified because the domain name was registered merely 30 days ago.
723,566 Total Members and Growing!
1,534 New Profiles Today!
2,372 Members online Now!
13,432 Profile updates Today!
However, am looking to start a local dating site, and finding a suitable low cost/free dating script (at least to start with), has been impossible. Any information is highly appreciated. Thanks
]]>i haven’t really thought out the functionialites a dating plugin should have, but i thought some of the following would be required:
– ability to create profile and upload pics
– u could read anyone else’s profile as a non registered user (contact info should be filtered out as best as possible)
– if u wanted to contact someone u liked, then u need to register
– only people who have registered AND paid (subscribed monthly or yearly) can make contact with some they liked
– only people who have registered AND paid can reply back to some who want to contact them
i’m sure there are other functionalities + logic that need to be present
would be good to know if someone has tried making such a plugin
Avinash Bhageloe