lsphp 255641 username cwd DIR 253,0 4096 17015496 /home/username/website/wp-admin
lsphp 255641 username 7u REG 253,0 51 21152705 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/ips.php
lsphp 255641 username 8u REG 253,0 560 21152784 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config.php
lsphp 255641 username 9u REG 253,0 40083 21112604 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/attack-data.php
lsphp 255641 username 10u REG 253,0 14218 21116318 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-synced.php (deleted)
lsphp 255641 username 11u REG 253,0 37889 21112666 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-livewaf.php
lsphp 255641 username 12u REG 253,0 1545298 21153461 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-transient.php
lsphp 255641 username 14u IPv4 2263568748 0t0 TCP localhost:40946->localhost:memcache (SYN_SENT)
lsphp 257665 username cwd DIR 253,0 4096 17016270 /home/username/website
lsphp 257665 username 7u REG 253,0 51 21152705 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/ips.php
lsphp 257665 username 8u REG 253,0 560 21152784 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config.php
lsphp 257665 username 9u REG 253,0 40083 21112604 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/attack-data.php
lsphp 257665 username 10u REG 253,0 14218 21112680 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-synced.php (deleted)
lsphp 257665 username 11u REG 253,0 37889 21112666 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-livewaf.php
lsphp 257665 username 12u REG 253,0 1545298 21153461 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-transient.php
lsphp 257665 username 14u IPv4 2263561840 0t0 TCP localhost:40924->localhost:memcache (SYN_SENT)
lsphp 265986 username cwd DIR 253,0 4096 17016270 /home/username/website
lsphp 265986 username 7u REG 253,0 51 21152705 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/ips.php
lsphp 265986 username 8u REG 253,0 560 21152784 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config.php
lsphp 265986 username 9u REG 253,0 40083 21112604 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/attack-data.php
lsphp 265986 username 10u REG 253,0 14216 21116535 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-synced.php (deleted)
lsphp 265986 username 11u REG 253,0 37889 21112666 /home/username/website/wp-content/wflogs/config-livewaf.php
lsphp 265986 username 12u REG 253,0 1545298 21153461 username/wp-content/wflogs/config-transient.php
lsphp 265986 username 14u IPv4 2263533408 0t0 TCP localhost:40930->localhost:memcache (SYN_SENT)
These notifications are sent by their firewall to indicate that it has blocked its service because it is making anomalous connections, of type SYN_SENT, which are usually attributable to outward DDoS attacks.
If the firewall performs this type of action, it means that something abnormal or “different than usual” is being performed.
]]>I am from CleanTalk team, Security plugin developer.
We have been reported about the issue of DDoS protection fired of reason of lot of request that contains
We inspected the case and spotted that all the request were called from IP
We suppose, that the requests are a part of LiteSpeed remote cron jobs related to UCSS or CCSS? generation control.
If we ride this correctly, please, help us to prevent DDoS protection fired for this service.
Thank you.
]]>Yesterday after updating this plugin we started getting bunch of spam and bot traffic.
The stats show this to be the cause and doing thousands of searches and causing the server to overload:
facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
Is there a possibility that this update has caused this to happen? The timeline seems to suggest it, but it’s hard to say if this the root. I am not super aware what this plugin does.
]]>A few months ago I opened this topic
This was solved at that moment, but, it happened again.
In my black list configuration, I had the line “Go-http-client”, but yesterday we recieved an DDOS attack, and one of the agents used was this.
Just letting you know.
Thank you.
]]>We’re happy with the free version but still get lots of DDoS attacks. Our error log is full of “client denied by server” messages and during business hours our CPU usage is at 100%. The majority of the DDoS are coming from outside Canada and the USA.
If we upgraded to the Premium plan would country blocking and the IP block list help us lower CPU usage and DDoS attacks?
]]>I am seeing lots of flooding with “AWS search” on google analytics (that is not a page of our website). I have set rate limiting and other firewall stuff but still seeing this. Also have disabled the xmlrpc stuff. Don’t know how to stop it.
So far, we know it is a bot trying to flood and slowdown the website but no idea where to look for and how to stop it. Google analytics report is of also not much of a help. Live traffic report on Wordfence doesn’t show that either.
Any suggestions, arreciated.
]]>I hope this message lands in your inbox like a refreshing breeze in the desert of your busy day.
I come to you with reverence regarding your breath-taking expertise in order to seek your help in debugging my WordPress site which is unaccessible likely due to a DDoS attack since (July 10th 2023).
I tried troubleshooting (Disabling plugin, themes, requesting prior Lightsail snapshot from AWS premium support team etc…) it for weeks in SSH instance without success.
It looks like LightSail snapshots gets deleted after 7 days so I can’t access and reinstate the snapshot before my website was corrupted (which I believe would be an easier fix than debugging)
I stand at the launchpad waiting for your genuine response.
With heartfelt gratitude and eager anticipation,
]]>I would like to seek for a help to understand what are the following GET requests to only JS files, for example, it can be from one IP or from many. It can be hundreds requests within 1 minute, causes 500 and 508 errors: - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:41 +1100] "GET //sitename/wp-content/plugins/PDFEmbedder-premium/js/all-pdfemb-premium-4.4.1.min.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Li
nux; Android 11; IN2025) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4951.61 Mobile Safari/537.36" - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:41 +1100] "GET //sitename/wp-content/plugins/photo-gallery/js/jquery.sumoselect.min.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android
8.0.0; Pixel 2 XL Build/OPD1.170816.004) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.127 Mobile Safari/537.36" - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:41 +1100] "GET //sitename/wp-content/plugins/photo-gallery/js/scripts.min.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; SM-P61
5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.127 Safari/537.36" - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:41 +1100] "GET //sitename/wp-content/plugins/photo-gallery/js/tocca.min.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2) AppleWebKit/536.6 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/20.0.1090.0 Safari/536.6" - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:42 +1100] "GET //sitename/wp-content/themes/xxx20180320/js/bootstrap.min.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac
OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4692.56 Safari/537.36" - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:42 +1100] "GET //sitename/wp-content/themes/xxx20180320/js/totop.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "SonyEricssonW995/R1EA Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 UNTRUSTED/1.0" - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:42 +1100] "GET //sitename/wpcontent/themes/xxx20180320/js/customscripts.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A5362a Safari/604.1" - - [15/Oct/2023:11:21:42 +1100] "GET //sitename/wp-includes/js/backbone.min.js HTTP/1.1" 508 288 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; SM-M315F) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.50 Mobile Safari/537.36"
Those requests in the access logs start from GET requests to JS files, no other part of sites are accessed before and after that. Also, as you can see it always has “//sitename” at the start of the requested URL and different User-agents which looks malicious.
The WP is the latest version:
$ wp core version
and Core Files checksums are verified:
$ wp core verify-checksums
Success: WordPress installation verifies against checksums.
plugins and themes are up to date.
Anyone can share more details about such requests, why it happens and how can a website be protected against such attacks?
I could find the following issue that had similar case:
but script-loader.php file was not accessed in the new case.
Thank you for your suggestions and help in advance!
my question :
is it possible to completely remove the message (cookie) and also use the cloudflare compact logo.?
your plugin is great for stopping ddos attacks without going through cloudflare’s dns configuration, thanks again