]]>I can find the right way to set default values for logo and background image. It suppose to get the file from the plugin directory….need help
function ccc_add_defaults() {
$tmp = get_option('ccc_options');
if(($tmp['chk_default_options_db']=='1')||(!is_array($tmp))) {
$arr = array(
"title" => "Maintenance",
"logo" => "",
"background-image" => "",
update_option('ccc_options', $arr);
echo plugins_url('includes/images-background.png',dirname(__FILE__));
<?php echo plugins_url('includes/images-background.png',dirname(__FILE__)); ?>
echo '<img src="' . plugins_url( 'includes/images-background.png', __FILE__ ) . '" > ';
echo '<img src="' . plugins_url( 'includes/images-background.png', dirname(__FILE__) ) . '" > ';
doesnt work, get the blank page.
What im i doing wrong here?
I’ve added a dashboard customizer tool so that users can customize the footer on my theme using:
<footer id=”colophon” class=”site-footer” role=”contentinfo”>
<div class=”site-info”>
<?php echo get_theme_mod( ‘copyright_textbox’, ‘No copyright information has been saved yet.’ ); ?>
</div><!– .site-info –>
</footer><!– #colophon –>
BUT I want my default footer to be the default wordpress footer which looks more like:
<footer id=”colophon” class=”site-footer” role=”contentinfo”>
<div class=”site-info”>
“><?php printf( __( ‘Proudly powered by %s’, ‘THEMESLUG’ ), ‘WordPress’ ); ?>
<span class=”sep”> | </span>
<?php printf( __( ‘Theme: %1$s by %2$s.’, ‘AC’ ), ‘THEMENAME’, ‘‘ ); ?>
</div><!– .site-info –>
</footer><!– #colophon –>
How do I replace “No copyright information has been saved yet.’ with the default wordpress footer??
]]>At the moment I reduced the post to a small space, but it still makes extra unnecessairy space at the bottom of the front page (below the widget “F?redrag”). It’s ID is “component” and the class “floatbox” (tracked it with Firebug). I’d like to remove this code, but don’t know how/where.
Anybody knows?
]]>Was curious if there is a simple way to re-position my “pages” links so they appear horizontal just below my header.
Right now they are at the top of my right column.
Is there an easy fix for this?