Below is an example of an unordered list.
List item one
List item two
List item three
List item four”
Could you please tell me how to remove this and the white space behind it so that it does not block the store part anymore? The link to the page is
]]>It says that it will disappear once you add a widget but this is not the case since I have a widget in every possible area to try and troubleshoot this issue. I have a feeling it has to do with the sidebar.php file but I have no idea what to do with the code.
Here’s what I need help with:
I have a widget that I would like to have appear but so far only the default widget shows. The page I created is currently set to “default template”.
I AM A COMPLETE NOOB at this. I’m sure that’s obvious.
I did successfully create a Child Theme so I can safely make edits.
]]>How do I remove it.
It says something about changing something in widget admin, but I don’t know how.
Please help me, how do I do this? Step by step?
My page is
]]>I can’t get the Default widget to disappear as it says it would do once the new widgets were added… how do I get rid of default widget text?
I’d like to use the menu on top, as well as have the pages linked to their urls in the 3 columns below header. However, the url’s in the columns are in a hard to see white font. Also I’d like the images to align (justify) with the text. Now they are flush left.
Can the white url font color be changed and the alignment align?
thank you!
]]>Could you tell me if there is a way to remove the Default Widget from my website?
]]>Hi all, I’m looking for a way to reverse the ordering of the default WP Recent Posts widget. Currently, the latest post is shown at the top of the widget. I want this to be reversed so that the oldest post shows first.
To give this some context (I’m afraid I must deny you seeing the patient, visiting hours have not yet begun), I have a widget that shows upcoming events using future posts dispensed by the recent posts widget.
Once a post is published, it is removed from the widget
So what I want is for the widget to show the 5 most imminent posts to be published, in descending order (1st Jan, 2nd Jan, 3rd Jan, etc.)
Is this at all possible?
I don’t want this to be universal for my site though, just the widget. There will be a page in which the events MUST be shown in reverse-chronological order
Thanks in advance!
]]>Please help. Thanks,
]]>I’m using a website running on BuddyPress and the BuddyPress Default theme, and I want to move the default login widget (as in it’s a part of the theme) on the sidebar below the custom widget I put in that says “Get free emails”.
I put the custom widget there by going to Appearance > Widgets, and then putting in html into a text widget.
Sorry if this topic should have been posted on the BuddyPress forums instead.
]]>I found the function WP_Widget_Recent_Posts in the default-widgets.php file and I inserted the following code:
<?php query_posts($query_string . '&orderby=date&order=ASC'); ?>
Immediately before the loop code:
<?php while ($r->have_posts()) : $r->the_post(); ?>
Unfortunately (even though it looks like the_post is reset in the function, the order of the widget remained in DESC sequence. But the order of the main post loop changed to ASC which is not what I want.
Any ideas what I need to do to just change the order in the default widget?