I search for that kind of issue on the forum and didn’t find any response.
For administrator (and only for administrator), when editing a profile and saving it we got a 404 error.
Desactivate “Members” plugin stoped the issue.
Can you give any hints to find the issue here ?
Thanks you in advance,
Can you help me?
In my Back Office I have gone to the plugins option and clic uninstall and it is thinking hours and hours … but it doesn’t uninstall anything …
Could you tell me how I solve this?
we can’t desactivate or remove “WP-PageNavi”
When we desactivate the plugin, we have errors like
Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function wp_pagenavi() in /public_html/wp-content/themes/News2-Child/category.php:112 Stack trace: #0 /public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(78): include() #1 public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘/home/cire8056/…’) #2 public_html/index.php(17): require(‘/…’) #3 {main} thrown in /public_html/wp-content/themes/News2-Child/category.php on line 112
What can we do to solve this bug ?
Thank you.
]]>I have the free version of the plugin, but it was working really fine a few days ago.
I tried uninstall, reinstall but still the same problem.
]]>Since I use WP 4.8, I have to desactivate “Head Cleaner” to let “Hustle” function. Could you please find a way to made these two plugins be compatible?
Kind regards,
]]> Your plugin is really great, but I have some issue with the latest version. I have created some review for a product, but now I can’t change it. If I click on “update”, it doesn’t save my changes.
Worst : if I deselect “it’s a review” in order to hide the review of my product, the changes are not saved and my only solution is to completly desactivate the plugin…
Can you fix this or give me some way to bypass the issue please ?
]]>thank you for the plugin!
i noticed that on of my styles is not working correctly, after investigating i decided to desactivate wp-minify to analyse furter.
when i desactivated i still was seeing the minified.css file (cache was clean). Strange.
1) Shall minified style dissepear on desactivation of plugin?
then i decided to de-install wp-minify and do my test, but when i un-install i had no more CSS available, so my site was with no css.
to fix it i installed back wp-minify.
what i did wrong and what is the correct way to delete wp-minify.
As you can imagine, i am a bit worried. please answer on my two issues 1) and 2)
Thank you!