i’m using the grid page format, choosed ‘Order grid items by: Descending’ and the posts are not following the horizontal left-to-right order, but the vertical top-to-bottom instead.
also when i click the ‘load more’ button, it mixes this post order.
any help?
]]>I’ve spent a lot of time adding the menu orders and now I’ve realized they’re backwards.
I’ve got 1 for our top product, 2 for our second best and 3 for the third best etc.
The problem is that the menu order is descending rather than ascending. 3 is above 1 and 2.
Can I reverse this somehow? in the options or the code?
]]>Can’t find the answer to these two beginner questions:
1) Changing field names
Is there a way to change “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Email”, etc? I am trying to use the plug-in on a Norwegian site, and it looks odd to have everything else (i.e. button, custom fields, etc) in Norwegian but not the main fields. If so, where do I do this?
2) Sorting signature list in descending order
Is this possible? If so, again, how and where do I make this happen?
I am very new to editing scripts, etc – sorry in advance if I am slow on the uptake!
Thanks so much in advance,
]]>Can anybody help me?
<?php foreach ( get_users_of_blog() as $author ) : ?>
<?php if ( get_the_author_meta( 'user_level', $author->ID ) > 0 || get_the_author_meta( 'user_login', $author->ID ) == 'admin' ) : ?>
<div id="hcard-<?php echo str_replace( ' ', '-', get_the_author_meta( 'user_nicename', $author->ID ) ); ?>" class="author-profile vcard clear">
<a href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url( $author->ID ); ?>" title="<?php the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author->ID ); ?>">
<?php the_author_image($author->ID);'width="130" height="160"';?>
<h2 class="author-name fn n">
<a href="<?php echo get_author_posts_url( $author->ID ); ?>" title="<?php the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author->ID ); ?>"><?php the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author->ID ); ?></a>
<p class="author-bio">
<?php the_author_meta( 'description', $author->ID ); ?>
</p><!-- .author-bio -->
</div><!-- .author-profile .vcard -->
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
]]>Updated to 2.8.5 and use the simple WP Remix template (R. Bhavesh) as a skin to my blog at onthebuzz.com! Curious, I decided to scroll down posts (checking dates… and all lol) on the home page.
A realisation was from top 3rd november 09 to date 17th october 09 this is in descending order which is fine and how we want it, but from date 17th october 09 onwards it jumps to 3rd August 09 in ascending order to the 16th October 09!
This should be in descending order hence the appearance of 16th october 09 > september 09 > down to august and subsequent months, great!
But not so great because between those missing dates there are plenty of current articles posted, kind of leaves the impression nothing was posted during that period!
My question is how do I get every date into descending mode so only the freshest and recent content on the home page. Any ideas and help will be appreciated, files to access, code to update etc?
A copy of the index.php – https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/1658252
Apologies for being all wordy but to explain this as much as can be! Thanks
Updated to 2.8.5 and use the simple WP Remix template (R. Bhavesh) as a skin to my blog at onthebuzz.com! Curious, I decided to scroll down posts (checking dates… and all lol) on the home page.
A realisation was from top 3rd november 09 to date 17th october 09 this is in descending order which is fine and how we want it, but from date 17th october 09 onwards it jumps to 3rd August 09 in ascending order to the 16th October 09!
This should be in descending order hence the appearance of 16th october 09 > september 09 > down to august and subsequent months, great!
But not so great because between those missing dates there are plenty of current articles posted, kind of leaves the impression nothing was posted during that period!
My question is how do I get every date into descending mode so only the freshest and recent content on the home page. Any ideas and help will be appreciated, files to access, code to update etc?
Apologies for being all wordy but to explain this as much as can be! Thanks
Is this possible to set?