Current scenario:
User selects Answer 1, but wants to change his decision to Answer 2. To do this, he clicks on Answer 1 again, deselecting it, then clicks on Answer 2.
Required scenario:
User selects Answer 1, but wants to change to Answer 2. To do this, he clicks on Answer 2 without deselecting Answer 1.
Is this possible?
]]>But my question is if it possible or you know a solution to deselecting the value after the customer have choosen one?
I am not able to find this – and not as well with jQuery. Because it seems like the normal behaviour of the html-tag option having an attribute “selected” when chosen, is not used in your plugin?
Best Peter
And thank you for a great plugin.
]]>As seen in the video, I have a shop page that displays the size of the hoodies I am selling. This is done by using a plugin that shows the variations on the shop page. When you load up the shop page, it already has a default selected variation, this is how I want it to look. But when I add a product to the cart, it suddenly deselects most variations, causing the shop page to look weird. How can I prevent this? I just want all of the sizes to be displayed no matter what, just as it is displayed before anything is added to the cart.
So my issue is…
When I click add to cart on a product on the shop page, it deselects (not all) but most of the default selected variations.
The plugin I use to get the variation swatches:
I have already tried using the following plugin to force the variation, but it doesn’t help:
I have two attributes, which are colors and lenght.
I can select a color, but when I want to select a lenght, it deselect the color!
I want people to be able to choose one color and one lenght!
I so need help with this please!!!
]]>I want people to be able to choose one color and one length!
I so need help with this, please!!!
]]>unfortunately I can’t give you a link to the website I’m working on because it isn’t online yet.
We have to job types to choose from by checkboxes and they are set to “checked” by default. But we want them to be unchecked by default when you open the site.
Is this possible and if so, is there a quite easy way? Because I am not really familiar with big JavaScript codes….
Thanks a lot in advance!
]]>first of, I love the plugin. If you can help me resolve these problems ill give you a big thumbs up.
I have two problems.
First one: I have multiple layered conditions; this works fine. Except when a user decides that his previous option is not the most suitable one and chooses another option from the layer above it results in showing multiple lower layers that might cause confusion. For example, users have to choose:
[Group] (2 choices, showing location)
[location] (3 choices, showing day, depending on the above answer)
[day] (1 or 2 options, showing time, depending on the above answer)
[time] (1 – 3 options, depending on the above answer)
In context:
[Group] “5 of 6”
[location] “Noordwal”
[day] “Zaterdag”
[time] “12:00 – 13:00”
When a user decides that the time is not suitable, and chooses another location without deselecting de lower choices the times stay showable, thus resulting in potential confusion. In short, is there a kind of reset function that deselects lower selection (like time) when a upper selection (like location) is changed?
Question 2: When I send the e-mail and I have so many unused conditional tags. I read a lot of threads, but can seem to come up with the solution.
MY Form:
<p>Groepjaar (verplicht)<br />
[checkbox* groep exclusive “Groep 5 of 6” “Groep 7 of 8”] </p>
<h2>Lesgegevens </h2>
[group toonlocatiesgroep56]<p>Waar wenst u uw kind aan te melden (verplicht)?<br />
[checkbox* locatie56 exclusive “Noordwal” “Scheveningen” “Ypenburg”] </p>[/group]
[group toonlocatiesgroep78]<p>Waar wenst u uw kind aan te melden (verplicht)?<br />
[checkbox* locatie78 exclusive “Noordwal” “Scheveningen” “Ypenburg”] </p>[/group]
[group groep56dag1NW]<p>Voor welk dag wenst u uw kind op de Noordwal in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* groep56dagnw “Zaterdag”] </p>[/group]
[group groep56dag2SC]<p>Voor welk dag wenst u uw kind op Scheveningen in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* groep56dagsc exclusive “Zaterdag” “Zondag”] </p>[/group]
[group groep56dag3YP]<p>Voor welk dag wenst u uw kind in Ypenburg in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* groep56dagyp “Woensdag”]</p>[/group]
[group dag1NW]<p>Voor welk dag wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* dagnw “Zondag”] </p>[/group]
[group dag2SC]<p>Voor welk dag wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* dagsc “Zondag”] </p>[/group]
[group dag3YP]<p>Voor welk dag wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* dagyp “Woensdag”]</p>[/group]
[group groep56tijdNWZA]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* groep56tijdNWZA “14:40 – 16:00”] </p>[/group]
[group groep56tijdSZA]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* groep56tijdSZA exclusive “11:10 – 12:30″”14:10 – 15:30”] </p>[/group]
[group groep56tijdSZO]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* groep56tijdSZO “12:40 – 14:00”] </p>[/group]
[group groep56tijdYpWo]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* groep56tijdYpWO “13:30 – 14:40”] </p>[/group]
[group tijdNWZO]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* tijdNWZO “14:10 – 15:30”] </p>[/group]
[group tijdSZA]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* tijdSZA “12:40 – 14:00″”] </p>[/group]
[group tijdSZO]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* tijdSZO “11:10 – 12:30″”14:10 – 15:30”] </p>[/group]
[group tijdYpWo]<p>Voor welk tijdstip wenst u uw kind in te schrijven?<br />
[checkbox* tijdYpWO “12:30 – 13:30″”13:30 – 14:40”] </p>[/group]
The e-mail:
Groep: [groep]
Locatie: [locatie56] [locatie78]
Dag: [groep56dag1NW] [groep56dagnw] [groep56dag2SC][groep56dagsc] [groep56dag3YP] [groep56dagyp] [groep56tijdNWZA] [dag1NW][dagnw] [dag2SC] [dagsc] [dag3YP] [dagyp]
Tijd: [groep56tijdNWZA] [groep56tijdSZA] [groep56tijdSZO][groep56tijdYpWo] [groep56tijdYpWO] [tijdNWZO] [tijdSZA] [tijdSZO][tijdYpWo] [tijdYpWO]
Note that i have “Exclude lines with blank mail-tags from output” vinked
Looking forward to your response.
]]>i moved some posts from my old blog to my new blog
now all posts marked in uncategorized category
how can i deselect it in bulk ?
uncategorized id is 1