The bdp_post_carousel
is only viewed properly on 320px width device, any dimension less than 320px, the carousel outputs compressed list item,
Short code:
[bdp_post_carousel slide_scroll="3" arrows="false" limit="9" show_content="true" show_read_more="false" category="article" autoplay_interval="10000" show_category="false"]
The bdp_init_post_carousel()
function has a breakpoint up until 319px only,
Kindly check,
Thank you!
]]>I have two improvements to suggest:
Thats all. Ah, forgot: The (premium) support is very good.
]]>Apologies in advance if this is posted in the wrong section!
I’ve currently got an e-commerce store selling t-shirts, which come in several colours and each colour comes in several sizes.
I’d like to expand and allow customers to add to their own designs, and I’ve seen a few product customizer plugins that people can add their own text to etc.
My main issue is, I’m struggling to find any that I can effectively implement which would also take into account stock?
Currently, I use the attribute variation stock plugin, but I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the best way I could do this, so that if a white medium t-shirt was out of stock, that it would not allow my customer to select this in the product designer?
The only other feature that I would need would be to limit the text colours per product, so that only certain colours can be selected depending on which product is selected.
Many thanks in advance!
Hey! Please, I need help with something peculiar.
I’ve looked for similar topics and found many, but I still can’t find the solution.
I saw Kadence’s Devs explaining that Kadence Designer works only with Woo’s emails, and my question is exactly about Woo.
Users who register in my Woocommerce Store, receive the WordPress Standard Email, including the WordPress Title in place of my company’s Title.
So my question is, how do I use Kadence Designer for New User Email?
Best Regards,
Tiago M.