ist es m?glich, dass man bei dem Feld Inhalt in g immer 500g stehen hat? Alle meine Produkte bzw. Pakete sind mit 500g gefüllt.
Vielen dank für euere Hilfe…
]]>seit heute habe ich das Problem, dass ich keine DHL Labels mehr ausdrucken kann.
Bekomme immer diese Fehlermeldung: There are no files to merge.
Gestern hat noch Alles geklappt. Nix ver?ndert oder geupdatet etc.
Connection zu DHL gecheckt und ist auch verbunden.
Wo kann der Fehler liegen?
Liebe Grü?e
André von Mojo
]]>SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object does not have ‘countryCodeOrigin’ property
]]>I have tested various plugins with which an order can be sent to different recipients (=several shipping addresses).
Unfortunately, all of them have the problem that the DHL plugin only creates 1 label. Is there a solution for creating labels for all recipients? The calculation of the shipping costs for several recipients in the shopping cart etc. works perfectly. But only 1 label is created.
]]>But I miss basic features like tracking informations, which I would expect from a shipper plugin. For example, if the shop would get feedback like the tracking site, we would be able to send emails / sms / push / push notifications like “your parcel is on its way” or “is ready to pick up” or, after delivery, “thanks again for ordering, here are your instructions”. I don’t understand why we still need to pay 3rd party companies to deliver this information, which are allready there. Poorly.
]]>I didn’t change my DHL password and it’s still giving me this error.
]]>first, thank you for the great plugin!
We use DHL shipment labels with automatic creation. When a label creation fails e.g. due to invalid address, we need the order status to change to a custom status, so the customer support can review the order and correct the address. We only could find a hook after successful label creation (woocommerce_gzd_dhl_after_create_label), but failed to find any hook that fires when the creation fails. Can you please help us or give us a hint how we could accomplish this?
Thank you in advance!
]]>We are using you plugin to create labels in Woocommerce. I set it up in sandbox mode and the manual process works fine.
But the automatic “Create label on status” option does not work. If I change my order from “On hold” to “Processing” (the status I chose for label creation) nothing happens.
The log gives me an error 401 Unauthorized. Which is quite strange, since the manual label generation works fine.
Do you have an idea what could be the problem.
wenn ich DHL Labels erstellen m?chte, kommt es bei einigen Bestellungen vor, dass der nachfolgende Fehler angezeigt wird: “Parameter state must be between 1 and 20 characters long.”
Die kann ich für die betroffenen Bestellungen diesen Fehler beheben?