I’m using a template named Risen.
My problem is that I want the icons of the documents look differently, let me explain with some pictures.
My website looks like
And I want it to look like
Then maybe you can help me place the documents in columns. Thanks.
]]>Great plugin it works perfectly.
I am currently displaying 6 related posts at the bottom of each article:
Post 1 | Post 2 | Post 3
Post 4 | Post 5 | Post 6
I would like to the plugin to completely fill the container they are in (its about 780 pixels wide.)
Currently I have set each list item/thumbnail to be 240 pixels wide with 10px of margin either side = 10 + 240 + 10 + 10 + 240 + 10 + 10 + 240 + 10 = 780 pixels and this may have to do. I would like to apply margin to only the middle post on each line so the left and right list items/images are flush against the container edge, yet I cannot target these 2nd and 5th posts to do this.
Any ideas?
]]>I am trying to achieve this particular layout for my posts on my blog page/homepage I hope this makes sense:
|Most recent post fills whole content area|
|2nd Post half the size| |3rd post half the size|
|4th Post half size| |5th post half size|
|6th post fills whole content area|
|7th Post half size| |8th post half size|
|9th Post half size| |10th post half size|
|11th post fills whole content area|
|12th Post half size| |13th post half size|
|14th Post half size| |15th post half size|
|16th post fills whole content area|
|17th Post half size| |18th post half size|
|19th Post half size| |20th post half size|
|Ajax Load Post Plugin goes here to load more posts|
I am currently using twenty twelve (child theme).
I have tried using the transformationpowertools method:
<article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php $extra = ( $wp_query->current_post % 5 && !is_paged() ) ? 'specialclass' : ''; post_class($extra); ?>>
And this takes every 5 posts and assigns a class to the last 4 of them and this works great. However when i float these classes left in my CSS so they display next to each other I cannot add a margin to the right of the first half sized post and the left of the second:
|1st Half sized post|margin margin |2nd half sized post|
Unless there is something I am not thinking of I am going to have add one class to the half sized posts on the left and a separate class to the ones on the right:
|Most recent post fills whole content area|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
|6th post fills whole content area|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
|11th post fills whole content area|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
|16th post fills whole content area|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
|special class 1| |special class 2|
Can anyone tell me how I can do this?
]]>I have a hosted WordPress blog and i want to customize the look by giving every post category a different color.
By that i mean the post-metadata background of category music lets say i want to be green and science yellow or something. At the same time i want to make links in the category section on the sidebar the same color as the post-metadata background of the same category on the content area.
And are there more methods to apply that styling to other sections of the website?
https://musavver.com/ is my domain
Is there some one that can help me ?
]]><span class="cat-links">
foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
echo '<span id="'.$category->slug . '"><a href="' . get_category_link( $category->term_id ) . '" title="' . sprintf( __( "View all posts in %s" ), $category->name ) . '" ' . '>' . $category->name . '</a></span>'; $separator = ' ';
I looked up the codex for get_the_category and it says $separator = ‘ ‘; would add a space between the categories. But wherever I place it even when using the ; symbols properly, it either does nothing or it loses the odd-colored tag with a different class in my example (test). I would appreciate all help or hints.
example: https://goldenred.web44.net/
]]>In my index.php template I style the first post differently than the other nine — which is cool.
But when you click “older posts” at the bottom of the page it shows the next 10 posts, but its still formatting the first post on that page differently.
The only post I want styled differently is the most recent one. Do I need another template for displaying the older posts?
Which template controls older posts?
I tried using a home.php template, hoping only the first page would pick it up then the rest would use index.php….but no, they all use home.php now.
It doesn’t seem to be archive or archives either.
How do I do this?
Thanks for any help!!
I want to show the first post’s content, and the remaining index posts as just the title, or excerpt.
Looking at using multiple loops, and the examples in the codex, I can do this easily when stating the category. There’s a great example there, and this works fine.
Looking at other resources, like ‘$first=true’ it seems just out of reach.
Is there a simple conditional where I could state:
if this is the first post: show content
else do something else
Seems like it should be a snap, but somehow when addressing the entire blog’s posts the examples are limited, and I am certainly not enough of a coder to exrapolate.
Can someone point me in the right direction please?
]]>SO i had to use 1.2 to import my GM files over and then upgrade to 2.0.
When I did the first install with 2.0 when i viewed my site in IE and FireFox it was fine. But Since I have done the 1.2 and then upgraded to 2.0 – when I view it in IE it is completely different! I am a FFox user, but I want IE users to view the site properly as well!
Any help would be much appreciated! =)
P.S. I am a n00b when it comes to fine details and coding *_*