Things look good on the actual page, but I keep getting this error message when I’m in the admin side of the site:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home3/cbr125rn/public_html/MotoMarta/wp-content/themes/dilectio/functions.php:349) in /home3/cbr125rn/public_html/MotoMarta/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 850
When I am typing a new post, this message appears in red at the bottom of the text box as I’m typing. Then when I hit “publish”, I get a blank white screen with this message on it. I don’t understand this.
]]>Any advice? Thanks.
]]>How can I remove the far right sidebar so I can increase the text area for my articles?
If you see my blog (, you will notice I was able to remove the far right sidebar, but I was not able to increase the writing area.
I hope someone can help me.
It says I have to add this code:
<script src=”<?php the_permalink() ?>” type=”text/javascript” charset=”utf-8″></script>
to the Main Index Template –
“Paste the code you copied in step 1 just above the line <p class=”postmetadata”>. If you don’t see this code, don’t panic! Just paste the code near the post metadata (author, date, comments, etc) or contact us for help.”
I can’t see metadata in my Main Index Template (or Page Template for that matter).
Can anyone direct me to the correct way to do this? Thanks.
]]>There is small bug: there is no pagination appears after pressing any tag. It lists only 10 (or defined number) of related posts even if there are much more posts for this tag.
For example
There are 39 posts for tag “daghestan” at the moment but shows only 10 of them. Is there any idea how to fix this?
Thanks a lot.