Thanks for the great plugin!
Is there a way to disable the lightbox for PDF in iOS safari browser?
Thanks in advance
]]>Really love your plugin, it works beautifully and fast.
But i need to apply the anti-selector to one small image and I haven’t been able to get it to work no matter which selector(s) I use. It’s the rectangle image on the left of the word “Search”.
I tried to put the page-id but that did not work and I tried using the Plugin Load Filter but could not get that to work at all.
All of the images that will appear on the pages that are generated by the Ameila plugin shortcodes are pages that I want to exclude the lightbox.
Any ideas?
]]>This code doesn’t work, whether I put it in child theme or my custom functions plugin.
function my_remove_zoom_theme_support() {
remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' );
remove_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_remove_zoom_theme_support', 100 );
Please help!
]]>If I do not check the “Convert WordpPress Galleries” Checkbox on the Integration Tab, then it seems that your plugin adds a class=”no-lightbox” to each Gallery image link when the page is generated. But I do not see that I can use a class=”lightbox” at the Gallery level to over-ride that.
I need to be able to turn lightboxing on and off at the Gallery level, not the individual image level. Is there a way to do that?
I use the Filterable Gallery and installed the meow lightbox all other galleries works with the new lightbox, only your gallery works with “itself”.
I would like to open the images from the Filterable Gallery also with the meow lightbox, is this possible?
I hope you can help me. I have theMeow Gallery Pro Version and use the Lightbox and …
1. I would like to disable the Lightbox for the complete page.
2. Disable the Lightbox for one component. e.g. ( section “MEIN FOKUS” the Befor/After component.
Regards Lenschi
I want to disable lightbox because I use the lightbox from another plugin.
Now I get 2x lightboxes opened. How can I disable it trough a child theme or setting?
R. de Reus
]]>See an example here: There is a rel=”nobox” attribute in the HTML code and added to the media gallery elements through advanced options and yet the Lightbox still persists.
I run a WordPress multisite network and the WP Lightbox 2 plugin is network activated.
]]>How do I disable the lightbox so that I can use my own? I can’t see an option to disable it in the settings.