we��re facing an issue where the Plugin breaks the site layout if there are Dynamic Conditions within a loop. I had to replace all Conditions with Elementors (nowadays) built in Conditions.
For me there is no need to reply since we deactivated the plugin and removed it completely but I wanted to report this issue.
Steps to reproduce:
1.) Post with Custom Field Content
2.) Create a Loop-Template and set Conditions to Display anything if Custom Field Content = XY
3.) Load the site where the loop is placed
Thank you
Is there any way to fix it ?
]]>It’s the only feature I have used so far on this plugin, but I’m glad I found it. It did the job for me. (It doesn’t create additional user roles, you need another plugin for that.)
]]>Thank you again for a great plugin!
I’m having some issues using the below feature in Elementor in terms of styling, two examples of which I’ve discussed below.
1) Alignment
Let’s say that I have the following four buttons centred in my header on the backend.
On the frontend, I wish for Button B (“Join”) to be only shown to non-members and Button C (“Membership Area”) to be only shown to members.
However, if I hide one of these buttons using the above feature, they no longer appear equally spaced.
This appears to be because only the “button” class is hidden rather than the parent “elementor-widget-container” and “elementor-element” classes.
The obvious workaround for this is to have two rows of three buttons, and to hide one row for members and one row for non-members. However, this is of course not ideal in terms of optimisation.
2) Borders
Let’s say that I also have the following text widget with a border.
If I hide this text widget to non-members, the border still appears.
Again, a workaround is to place this text editor into a section by itself and to show/hide that section, which is again not very optimal.
Are these known issues and are there any better workarounds?
Thank you for your help!
Page it shows on:
Any other page where it is hidden:
You can see it in action at https://www.sketchedneo.com