Definition: If I disable Header and Footer, the website is shown correclty (centered).
Description: The page is forced to the left and the footer has a weird size as if it is not full width. Creating a new footer with different templates did not help.
]]>I hop eyou can help me. I recently was trying to redesign my homepage (whihc I thought was pretty simple looking – compared to most) but its not dispalying anything correctly despite looking good on the backend in both desktop and mobile view.
I have a hero image – 1200 wide with some text overlay, because the text is white i wanted a black background behind the text so i could use the opacity function to darken the image so the text would be more prominent. On WordPress editor it looks great. on prview, the text is opaue and on live (desktop and mobile the image is completely missing). Ive got screenshots of the different screens to show you what i mean (but not sure how to attached them here. Ive tried multiple mobile devices and only on one device does it show the image but then other items arent displaying properly.
Im not sure what im doing wrong Ive watched some tutorials to no avail.
I’d love to learn what the issue is and what im doing wrong – I look forward to hearing from you!
]]>Dear WP Community, I am desperately looking for help, since my Admin Account has been corrupted after a fatal error.
How does the corrupted Admin account manifest?
My account is behaving strangely. For instance I cannot view the correct number of WooCommerce products in the WP backend. The backend is showing that there should be 10 WC products, which is true but it displays only 8 items. We checked and this is not a database problem but a display issue. The 2 missing products exist. They are just not displayed to me. All other users, who do not even have Admin rights, can view all products correctly. Another example is that I cannot edit any post, course, page with Elementor anylonger. The elementor settings are clearly enabled for all users (incl. Admin) and all users can edit with Elementor. For now this situation seems to be limited to my account. Other users do not seem to be affected. However, I am not sure. These are just 2 quick observations after today’s work. I am sure I will find more over time.
What caused the fatal error that is at the source of this issue?
We are currently testing a subscription functionality with WooCommerce and the WP Swings subscription plugin for WC. For whatever reason the WP Swings plugin tried to renew a subscription for test customers that were already deleted and this triggered a fatal error. We tried to recover the last backup but the problem perists. I can only guess why. Every time a backup is restored, The WP Swing Subscription plugin tries to automatically renew the subscription, since the renewal date has been exceeded and when doing so, it triggeres the error. We tried to delete the plugin from the backup and also from the live environment but my problem with my corrupted Admin account cannot be resolved.
What Options do I have?
The problem seems to be limited to my Admin account, so maybe I should not bother and just open a new admin account with another email address and migrate my data to this new account (I tried deleting my Admin account and re-creating a new one with the same email address but the problem persists!!). But I do not want to take the risk to continue the development of the platform and find out in a couple of days or weeks that it is not only my account that is corrupted and that in reality we have a wider problem. I need your help to understand what is causing my Admin account to behave so strangely – and why the issue persists- even after a full restore.
Your help is much appreciated since this situation is extremely frustrating.
Many thanks
]]>We have an application form in which people are supposed to upload their documents via drag & drop. It works perfectly – except for Microsoft Edge. Sometimes it is simply not displayed. However, the form cannot be sent because we have set the minimum number of documents to one.
Have any of you ever had this problem with the display? Is there a possible solution?
Many thanks and best regards
On the dashboard, when I go to: Analytics -> Summary, the “Visits Over Time” graph does not display. The box displays, but there is no graph inside it. If I zoom the page greater than 100%, the graph displays. If I reset the zoom to 100% the graph still displays. I I then change the display date, causing the graph to re-render, the graph disappears again.
The graphs display properly if I go to the full Matomo reporting dashboard.
The graph used to display properly in the WP dashboard – same browser, etc. (I believe with the previous Matomo plugin version)
]]>Since the last update, the brand image on or single product page is showing twice. Is there a glitch with the plugin or is there a new setting that I’m not seeing?
All advice on this appreciated.
Thank you so much in advance for your help.
]]>I hope I hit the correct forum here.
After updating to WP 6.1, the gallery block does not render correctly in the front end anymore.
Instead of e.g. 3 columns the images are showing one per row with no margin and left-oriented, see example.
Everything looks fine in the Block Editor, only in the front end galleries are not displayed correctly.
I checked the CSS output but could not find anything suspicious.
There are no caching tools involved. Applies to galleries in old posts as well as newly created ones.
has anyone stumbled upon this and has a fix?
Thanks for looking into this,
best regards from Germany,