This is the page:
I changed the content.php line 44 from:
<?php if ( is_search() || is_home() || is_category() || is_tag() ) : // Display Excerpts for Search, home, category and tag pages ?>
<?php if ( is_search() || is_home() || is_tag() ) : // Display Excerpts for Search, home and tag pages ?>
but it’s still not showing the full post. Can anyone help please? thank you.
]]>I want my posts to display full post, NOT excerts. I don’t want “Category Archives…..” to display at top or anywhere. I don’t want Tags to display either. I just want the entire post to display like it was a static page with the older posts accesible on the side bar.
My site is
Thanks in advance!
]]>Here is the code I came across on the forum:
[display_posts include_content=”true”]
If the id of the post I want to display is 44, how do I alter the code?
Also, instead of id’ing a post each time, is there a way to default always to the most recent blog post in the shortcode?
Thank you.
It’s important for me to have my enitre post viewable; currently it just shows the first paragraph and then cuts it off. I love the look and feel of the theme so I don’t want to change it to another one.
I’m pretty versed at manipulating code (just not writing it) and I am not yet familiar enough with wordpress themes to try and change things on my own.
Any point in the right direction would be appreciated.
Best regards,
Brandon Douglas