As a workaround for this in the meantime, for books under a particular book tag, I’m having to select the individual books to display. This is okay at the moment as the directory is small, but as it grows this extra step is becoming more problematic.
I can see this would also be useful for anyone who is using the plugin for a book club etc who may have topics or subjects as book tags, in addition to the existing genres.
Thank you for considering
]]>After the recent update the books to display pages I had set up on my site had disappeared (404 error). Even creating new pages failed to fix the error. I was about to post a query here when I remembered the same issue was happening with another plugin and the fix for that was simple, so thought I’d try it again for this, and it worked!
So in case anyone else is having the same issue I thought I would post it up here.
In your general settings, go to permalink settings and don’t change anything, just click “save changes”. This effectively seems to reset the pages again. Whew!
]]>Thanks in advance
]]>Page example:
In some cases involving posts, the problem can be worked-around by using a paginating plug-in, but this isn’t successful with pages. We’ve tested and eliminated these possibilities:
* It is not a theme-related issue
* It is not a length-related issue. Most of our posts are lengthy, but even 1200-word posts suddenly stop displaying
* It is not a hosting-related issue
* It is not a time-out issue
* Text is visible in edit mode; codes and content have not been changed
* The problem seems to be a spontaneous one, with pages/posts displaying properly one day, then not the next. However once they cease to display properly, they do not revert.
Thank you in advance for any advice.
]]>I have been trying to extend the functionality and add a second button in the menu, to show pages. I tried copying (& changing the ID of course) of the trigger function used for categories. Unfortunately, the function is not correct. I changed the name to triggerPageID and obviously there’s no such thing.. It looks wierd though, as the function keeps calling the Categories IDs. I’ve copy-pasted the function.js content below:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// easy toggle for categories
jQuery('#triggerCatID').click(function() {
jQuery('#headerStrip').animate({ height: 'toggle', opacity: '100'}, 100);
return false;
jQuery('#triggerCatID2').click(function() {
jQuery('#footerStrip').animate({ height: 'toggle', opacity: '100'}, 100);
return false;
jQuery('#triggerPageID').click(function() {
jQuery('#footerStrip').animate({ height: 'toggle', opacity: '100'}, 100);
return false;
Any idea how can this be fixed? Do you have any reading recommendations?
Many thanks in advance.
]]>I was wondering if anyone new if the use of wp_list_pages along with its various parameters is broken in 2.8.6.
I’ve been reading a lot about it today, but not a lot of definitive answers on whether this is a true bug or not.
Mainly, because I can’t find a scenario being written about that’s close to mine.
Mine is very simple really.
I use the following to include only certain pages for a nav at the top of my site.
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=menu_order&hierarchical=0&include=2&title_li=’); ?>
The first list item displays “home” which is not an actual page.
The wp_list_pages expression includes an “about” page next to “home”.
I’ve altered the “include=x” paramter many times to include certain pages to see if it works. I’ve also checked the page order field to make sure all pages have a page order number to work with.
Funny thing is, the numeral entered into the “include=x” argument does not always produce accurate results. Sometimes, another page shows up that is not even near the same page order number as assigned when creating the page.
Most of the examples with wp_list_pages have to do with troubleshooting of child trees, parents, etc.
I’m using the most simple presentation of the tag and have followed the codex on the subject closely and carefully.
Is there another area outside of my header.php file that could be causing the wp_list_pages not to display properly?
Any help or advice on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=2&sort_column=post_title'); ?>
However, for some reason, some pages are not displayed at all, for example, there is a reprtoire page, that has about 23 sub-pages, and only 14 show, the cast, has about 15 pages, and there are none showing in the menu!
This is the site:
WP 2.7
No cache plugin
Q-Transalate plugin
Please help!
Thank you
I am looking for something like a widget I could use.
Thanks for your time.
]]>is this possible?