I would like to increase the time each slide is displayed before moving to the next one.
Here are my advanced settings:
Slide delay 3000 ms
Animation speed 600 ms
Number of slices 15 ms
How do I increase the display time for each slide by 50%?
<?php the_time(‘F jS, Y’) ?>
before it put this
Time posted: <?php the_time(‘g:i a’); ?>
It was suggested that I make that edit in index.php of the template, BUT, there is no such code line or anything close to it in the index.php of template folder or any other index.php file.
Please someone help me solve this problem. I would appreciate it very much.
I’m developing this site for my client:
[Category “blog” used as example of issue]
…I think you can see the problem. Here is the code:
<h4 class="mpr-list-date"><?php the_time('m F Y'); ?></h4>
Is this some kind of Apache problem? It’s a brand new InMotion Hosting account, they seem to be better than that. Or is it simply understood that new server users configure their own Apache time settings?
I don’t think I am going to get out of this one myself. Many thanks to anyone who offers their wisdom…
]]>Can I change something in the CSS so that the time will be displayed, not only the date? I have an upgraded account that allows me to change in the CSS.