This was not the correct fix. The JSON data should not be (directly) in a div
element. Instead it should be in a script
element with type=application/json
. If it is in the correct element type, it does not need escaping (and should not be).
The existence of the data in a display element (regadless of the inline style hack with display: none; visibility: hidden
) causes SEO issues. Search engines regard it as content for the page (they often ignore CSS and style
properties), include it in indexing, and may even include it in a snippet in search results.
This is a bug report. (I don’t know where else to report bugs.)
]]><div class="web-stories-list__story-content-overlay"><h2>99 Million XRP Transferred, Sparking Whale Activity </h2><time class="story-content-overlay__date">On Aug 26, 2024 </time></div>
]]>I need to change the tabindex from the class n2-section-smartslider fitvidsignore n2_clear because of government accessibility regulations.
They write, that a tabindex isn’t needed.
Furthermore, they say the element div with the role=”region” should be exchanged with the element section.
I hope you can help me.
Best regards,
We have noticed this behavior before when inserting ads using ad inserter plugin and other plugins where we want to insert [plugin_shortcode]
When the right side bar is displayed and the block layout is chosen, these issues do not seem to occur as much. Just wondering if anyone else has these issues and found a fix. Maybe certain plugins cause the issue. Not sure. Thanks for any help.
]]>notice the & characters – is there anyway to fix these please ?
<div class=”iron-audioplayer srp_post_player sr_waveform_mediaElement playlist_has_no_ctas” id=”arbitrary-instance-65807c63673ce-28f90e762d” data-id=”arbitrary-instance-65807c63673ce” data-lazyload=”” data-albums=”1000738” data-category=””data-url-playlist=”https://www.maryphagan.com/?load=playlist.json&title=&albums=1000738&category=&posts_not_in=&category_not_in=&feed_title=Audiobook,%20Tuesday,%2029th%20April%201913%20L.%20M.%20Frank,%20Factory%20Superintendent,%20Detained%20By%20Police,%20The%20Atlanta%20Journal,%20Read%20By%20Mary%20Frances%20Phagan%20Kean&feed=https://maryphagan.com/audio-files/atlanta-journal/1913-04-29-l-m-frank-factory-superintendent-detained-by-police.mp3&feed_img=&el_widget_id=&artwork=&posts_per_pages=-1&all_category=&single_playlist=1&reverse_tracklist=&audio_meta_field=&repeater_meta_field=&import_file=&rss_items=-1&rss_item_title=&is_favorite=&srp_order=date_DESC” data-sticky-player=”0” data-shuffle=”” data-playlist_title=”” data-scrollbar=”” data-wave-color=”” data-wave-progress-color=”” data-spectro=”” data-no-wave=”” data-hide-progressbar=”” data-progress-bar-style=””data-feedurl=”1” data-notrackskip=”” data-no-loop-tracklist=”” data-playertemplate =”skin_boxed_tracklist” data-hide-artwork =”” data-speedrate=”1” data-tracks-per-page=”” data-pagination_scroll_offset=”” data-adaptive-colors=”” data-adaptive-colors-freeze=”” style=”opacity:0;“>