So I want to add the sitemap to my 404 and search page however the only option I can see is to use the shortcode provided. I tried to utilise the <?php echo do_shortcode("[shortcode]"); ?>
code but it seemed to break my site as the 404 page displayed the fatal “The site is experiencing technical difficulties.” message. Looking for another way to do this. Many thanks
First of all, thanks for the great plugin!
I was wondering if there’s a way to embed a playlist on a template directly… you know, like “echo do_shortcode(”)” or something like it.
Thanks in advance!
This plugin looks awesome and works very well as Shortcode in the WYSIWYG Editor.
For a client project, I need to use the shortcode in my PHP page template width the code <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[myshortcode]’); ?>
I tried and it’s not working. I checked the synthax and tried with other plugin shortcode and it worked.
Looks like Easy Video Player doesn’t render correctly width do_shortcode. I only see my video URL and not the video embed.
Thank you for your help and explanations.
]]>i.e. this line:
$content = sprintf( ‘<div id=”catapult-cookie-bar”>%s<button id=”catapultCookie” tabindex=1 onclick=”catapultAcceptCookies();”>%s</button>%s</div>’, htmlspecialchars(do_shortcode( $current_text )), htmlspecialchars(do_shortcode( $accept_text )), home_url( $link_text ), htmlspecialchars(do_shortcode( $more_text )) );
]]>Small problem, I hope, I had to add a custom header for certain pages. When I add the header by <?php get_header('custom'); ?>
(inserts header-custom.php instead of header.php) the page works up to the Posts in Pages shortcode, which i’m using in the template as <?php echo do_shortcode("[ic_add_posts post_type='donor' template='single-donor-month.php' showposts='1' orderby='date' order='DSC' ] "); ?>
Any idea what went wrong and what I need to do to correct?
]]>i try to implement this :
add_action(‘__loop’, ‘content_after_loop’, 11);
function content_after_loop() {
echo do_shortcode(‘[your-plugin-shortcode]‘);
please help.
]]>But I don’t believe the answer is there.
What I’m trying to do is this:
I’ve created a custom field called ‘site_inspection’. The value of this field is a url.
I want to insert the value of this field (the url) into a specific button shortcode in the page template so that the admin can enter the url into the field and the code will automatically insert that url into the button shortcode and display the completed button on the page.
I can get the shortcode php to work if I hardcode the url, and the site_inspection field also works fine separately, but when I try to replace the hardcoded url with the php for the site_inspection field it doesn’t work.
See Below
<?php echo do_shortcode('[button link="<?php if(get_field('site_inspection')){echo get_field('site_inspection') ;}?>" type="icon" icon="search" newwindow="yes"] Site InSpection[/button]'); ?>
I have also tried:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[button link=" . (get_field('site_inspection')) ? (get_field('site_inspection') : ('') . ' type="icon" icon="search" newwindow="yes"] Site InSpection[/button]'); ?>
With no success.
I feel like I’m missing something simple in my syntax, but I can’t spot it. Any help would be appreciated.