Al realizar el Site Health Status me sale el siguiente mensaje:
“A scheduled event has failed. Performance.
The scheduled event, do_pings, failed to run. Your site still works, but this may indicate that scheduling posts or automated updates may not work as intended”
Alguna solución?
]]>[1425757478] => Array
[do_pings] => Array
[40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a] => Array
[schedule] =>
[args] => Array
[1428029649] => Array
[sm_ping] => Array
[40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a] => Array
[schedule] =>
[args] => Array
[1428032540] => Array
[sm_ping_daily] => Array
[40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a] => Array
[schedule] => daily
[args] => Array
[interval] => 86400
I usually a stickler for keep the database as clean as possible, and this seems like an enormous bloating. What can I do about this? I would ideally like to get rid of all of this, but is it actually doing anything useful?
]]>i’m using custom_post_type and all is ok. The only problem is that, in my case, i use it like normal blog updates so i need to get good seo for that.
The problem is that when i publish my custom_post_type, all pings to service list are not performed. I solved this problem whit this code:
function my_custom_pings($post_id){
wp_schedule_single_event(time(), 'do_pings', array($post_id));
add_action('publish_movies', 'my_custom_pings');
But miss something…
I used this hack to add custom post in main query, but i have notice that my main feed, after that i publish a news custom post, is not updated. It updates only when i post a wp native post type.
I use WP Super cache, but i disabled cache for feed, so the problem is not related whit any plugin installed.
Somebody know how to flush feed and add it via “publish_{custom_post}” hook?
Now I’m trying to figure out how to get the wp-cron.php to execute on its own? It’s in the correct location.
Can anyone offer some advice?
Much appreciation.
]]>Had a clean install of 2.3.0 with MySQL on a Windows Server.
Worked perfectly with the theme and all plugins for 2 weeks. Then suddenly this error occured. (about 100 posts are up)
Error: upon editing or publishing I get a Database Error that two Tables are Full
WordPress database error: [The table ‘wp_postmeta’ is full]
INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (…) VALUES (…)
WordPress database error: [The table ‘wp_options’ is full]
UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = ‘a:424:{i:1192930370;a:1:{s:8:\”do_pings\”;a:1:{s:32:\”40cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a\”;a:2: …lots of data here…’
WHERE option_name = ‘cron’
Actions Taken:
The Table Types are InnoDB and I’m not sure if that would be an issue since the default size should be 2TB on a Windows server:
I wouldn’t think that a table could fill up after a blog is up for two weeks. The site itself is fine. These errors only occur when trying to write or edit a page or post.
The issue wouldn’t seem to be the theme or any plugin based on the tests I have done above, but who knows.
I’ve searched everywhere for an answer because I don’t like to waste anyone’s time. There does appear to be a lot of data in the ‘cron’ row of the [wp_options] table but I don’t know if that is normal.
Thank you for your professional help.
]]>Ingo Putzlowitsch (who has the same problem) recommended me in the german support forum to call do_ping() manually. I wrote a php script
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-config.php');
require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-includes/functions.php');
When calling that script do_pings.php via its URL I get after about 25 seconds
`Server Error
Premature end of script headers: do_pings.php
Error 500′
If it would run, it would at least help a little and cure the symptoms. Why the cron doesn’t run I don’t know.
BTW: I have a testblog running on the same server where cron gets processed regularly and trackbacks get sent.
Incoming trackbacks/pings work on both.
What can I do, how can I test? I only have access to the access logs, not to the error or php logs.