I am new to wordpress entirely and learning it. I recently moved a client’s website from wpengine to google cloud platform. The issue is after migrating the website, contact form 7 started showing error ‘Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method.’ and client stopped receiving any new contact form submission emails.
I searched a lot and found that WPSMTP plugin can be useful (This plugin was already there but it was deactivated, I activated it and found that it has only domain email in ‘from email’ option with default PHP selected as SMTP settings) and used gmail smtp, created a new gmail ID and then email function started working with no errors.
Now ! Client said that he wants to use his website domain email id to receive contact form submission emails and does not want a new gmail ID. He uses Office365 and logs in there with the domain email id. I asked him for SMTP server settings and email id password to put that into wpsmtp plugin. He told me that previous developer who initially created the website for him never asked for any SMTP server settings or email id and password to make emails work.
I only have his domain email id right now.
Similarly, He has resolved his other website’s similar email issue via another third party who used formidable forms instead of contact 7 forms. And he did not use WPSMTP plugin nor he used PHP email function. Client receives emails from that website but still error is displayed (‘Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method’) there as well.
Is there any way to make his emails work with only contact form 7 or formidable forms.
Am I wrong here to ask SMTP settings and email id password to setup wpsmtp plugin for him?
Please help.
Thank you !
When emails are sent from Subscribe2 they appear from the Primary Domain and not the Parked domain so always go to SPAM.
Any suggestions on how to remedy this?
]]>I am using google login option.
Now user can able to login…but for me need only one domain email id’s able to register and login.
Can you help me with this option
]]>I’ve installed the WPforms Lite, created a simple contact form, and have installed the Postman SMTP/Mandrill combo for my site’s email address. The test emails for the latter come through as they should; however, if anything is submitted via the contact form, it is not being delivered. I have talked to the mandrill guys about this and they state it appears to be resulting from “likely having the form set to send using the person filling out the form’s address in the “from:” field, rather than using an address on my domain”. Furthermore, they state the address that is attempting to send these test emails are, in fact, from a yahoo address and not my domain email address. How can I change this/the sender information to reflect my domain email address?
I get this from my test email. Anyone can help on this? Much appreciated.
Test Message Sent
The result was:
]]>Is this possible?