So I had a little blog I’ve been using for years:, and recently I changed the domain name for, and discovered that I had lost my stats (back to zero while I was at 289000 something before) and also my subscribers (not a lot at that time, but still).
I’ve seen this topic in the forum already, seems like it’s a blog ID issue, and your stats do not automatically merge when changing a domain name. But the answers were a bit different about the same subject.
Can you help? I didn’t migrate the website, did not change anything else than the domain name.
]]>I recently tried to change the domain name of our website from to After saving my changes, I was redirected to a page, were an error message showed up:
“Objekt nicht gefunden!
Der angeforderte URL konnte auf dem Server nicht gefunden werden. Der Link auf der verweisenden Seite scheint falsch oder nicht mehr aktuell zu sein. Bitte informieren Sie den Autor dieser Seite über den Fehler.
Sofern Sie dies für eine Fehlfunktion des Servers halten, informieren Sie bitte den Webmaster hierüber.
Error 404
Object not found!
The requested URL could not be found on the server. The link on the referring page appears to be incorrect or out of date. Please inform the author of this page about the error.
If you think this is a server malfunction, please inform the webmaster.
Error 404
Now I can’t access the Dashboard of said page or any other administrative site of our website via WordPress to change it back or trying another domain. What can I do to access my website again?
I hope you can help me
Thanks in advance!
]]>The second CF distribution origin is of course the website with an alternate name of static.***.com. During setup, the correct CF domain name is chosen d2jfuy***, but the alternate name choice for activation is cdn from the 1st distribution and not static from the 2nd. Looking at the distributions on CF, everything looks correct for alternate names, origins and behaviors. One note, I created the distribution prior to installing the plugin. For now I’m using the long CF domain name.
Two additional minor issues:
1) On the plugin page your plugin links for “Review | Support” need updating.
2) After CF activation the Setup link and WPAdmin CDN link in the sidebar are 404. (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpa-aws-setup). My Permalink Setting is “Post name.”
After transferring the website from the old domain name ( to the new domain name (, product attributes no longer appear when creating (adding) a new product.
At the same time, old products are visible both in the admin panel and on the website, as well as their attributes are visible.
The rest of the website works fine, the transfer was successful.
How to fix it?
]]>I am trying to redirect an old domain to a new domain on the same hosting. I have tried Redirection and 301 redirect plugins, but it didn’t work. I tried using ht-access, for unknown reasons, I can’t seem to find it either. Though, I would prefer using a plugin for the redirect.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
]]>The author is very reactive. I have already send some money to him. But, i think he deserve everybody send 20$.
Anyway, thanks again!