do you know any function or option to get the amount that was donated when the donation confirmation comes up?
We want to offer a special thank you when a donater donates more than $50. So in this case I would like to let appear another form on the donations confirmation page when the amount was over $50.
Any ideas or suggestions to do that?
Many thanks!
]]>Is there any way to generate donations via code?
I′ve seen the API is only for retrieving info, not creating.
We would need a way for batch generation of manual donations with custom amounts, but in a way that affiliatewp form integration gets triggered.
Would the eg “Manual Donations” (or any other) addon provide most of the functionality to generate batch donations with custom (code) calculated amounts?
]]>At one of these form the donation amount should not be inserted / choosen by the donor, but calculated (based on db entry? give_donors_purchase_value).
-> How can we get a custom (calculated) amount into the [amount] field?
-> How can we make that field uneditable by donor?
-> Is there any option to hide the form (or make it unfunctional) after the donation is done?
Any pointers are greatly appreciated!
I thought of eventually having a shortcode that displays the needed calculation output. Then insert the shortcode into [amount] field? Then make amount field uneditable (how?)
]]>There is a strange behaviour with the donation total. On the panel, I have one donation form, which displays that there are 6 donations whereas when I click on the 6 donations, it jumps to the list of donations but there are 9 completed donations and 1 pending.
In consequence, the progress bar amount displays an amount lower than the actual amount received.
Here are some screenshots to help to understand the problem :
]]>Thank you!
]]>Trying to set up a multi-level donation form for tickets to an event. We have a table of 8 option priced at $359.24, but, when I specify that number and save my form, it rounds it down to $359.
I went through the documentation and checked my general settings and all seems correct. Is there something I’m missing?