When I deactivate RankMath, everything works perfect. There is no page refresh, when I switch between tabs. And your plugin can save the correct order.
But I don’t want to delete RankMath.
Could you help me?
Thank you very much!
]]>what is curious is that the “Site tagline” saves it just like the logo.
We have a problem with the product filter.
When i try to make a productfilter with colors, i can’t save more than one color.
Your website i right now in Maintenance mode, so customers can see it.
But i can give you a log in, if you really need to.
I hope you can help soon, because we soon will open the store.
]]>I just publish my website, doing that I changed few fields in the database, and I’m afraid I changed the plugin configuration.
Once I change the CSS code on the plugin interface and I click on “SAVE CSS” page not found appears and the url is set as “https://www.sgden.org.uk/wp-admin/options.php”.
Basically the plugin instead of save the file takes me to https://www.sgden.org.uk/wp-admin/options.php
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!!!
]]>Here is a link to see:
]]>I have a menu not sync, so UPDATE option don’t save.
I resolve with this code:
public function wp_update_nav_menu_item_action( $item_menu_id, $menu_item_db_id ) {
global $sitepress, $icl_menus_sync;
$menu_image_settings = array(
if ( class_exists( 'SitePress' ) && $sitepress instanceof SitePress && class_exists( 'ICLMenusSync' ) && $icl_menus_sync instanceof ICLMenusSync ) {
static $run_times = array();
// iterate synchronized menus
foreach ( $icl_menus_sync->menus as $menu_id => $menu_data ) {
if ( !isset( $_POST['sync']['add'][$menu_id] ) ) {
// remove cache and get language current item menu
$cache_key = md5( serialize( array( $item_menu_id, 'tax_nav_menu' ) ) );
$cache_group = 'get_language_for_element';
wp_cache_delete( $cache_key, $cache_group );
$lang = $sitepress->get_language_for_element( $item_menu_id, 'tax_nav_menu' );
if ( !isset( $run_times[$menu_id][$lang] ) ) {
$run_times[$menu_id][$lang] = 0;
// Count static var for each menu id and saved item language
// and get original item id from counted position of synchronized
// items from POST data. That's all magic.
$post_item_ids = array();
foreach ($_POST['sync']['add'][$menu_id] as $id => $lang_array) {
if (array_key_exists($lang, $lang_array)) {
$post_item_ids[] = $id;
if ( !array_key_exists( $run_times[$menu_id][$lang], $post_item_ids ) ) {
$orig_item_id = $post_item_ids[$run_times[$menu_id][$lang]];
// iterate all item settings and save it for new item
$orig_item_meta = get_metadata( 'post', $orig_item_id );
foreach ( $menu_image_settings as $meta ) {
if ( isset( $orig_item_meta["_$meta"] ) && isset( $orig_item_meta["_$meta"][0] ) ) {
update_post_meta( $menu_item_db_id, "_$meta", $orig_item_meta["_$meta"][0] );
} elseif ( class_exists( 'SitePress' ) && $sitepress instanceof SitePress ) {
$orig_item_id = $menu_item_db_id;
// iterate all item settings and save it for new item
$orig_item_meta = get_metadata( 'post', $orig_item_id );
foreach ( $menu_image_settings as $meta ) {
//if ( isset( $orig_item_meta["_$meta"] ) && isset( $orig_item_meta["_$meta"][0] ) ) {
if (!empty($_POST[$meta][$orig_item_id])) {
update_post_meta( $menu_item_db_id, "_$meta", $_POST[$meta][$orig_item_id] );
Enjoy your code!
]]>I use the theme Hernán.
When I deactivate all plugins and change the theme to a standard theme (Twenty Twelve) it also doesn`t work.
What can be the problem? Thank you for the help!