For example:
I’ve one hour free every third day of the month, and like me other people.
I would make available this time who needs it across your plugin.
Another example: I’ve some more salad and I would like to donate it to those who need to avoid throwing it into waste. This salad I can make available for a precise period of time, beyond which I will have to throw it.
Another example:
I need someone to give me a hand in the house the weekend.
Etc, etc..
Many thanks!
]]>Have been trying to find a way to either integrate doodle ( into WordPress or find a similar plugin to doodle, but have had no luck so far.
Any advice/guidance would be appreciated.
– Mak
]]>Happy New Year! I’ve mentioned this problem in this topic:
I’ve created an admin account for you please let me know how can I send the credentials to you.
]]>J’utilise actuellement un site wordpress linké avec un forum phpbb ( via l’extension WP-United) auquel je projette d’ajouter votre plugin “rendez-vous”. Pour améliorer l’intégration, j’aimerai, lors qu’un utilisateur crée un sujet sur le forum, lui donner la possibilité de générer un rendez-vous, qui s’afficherait avec son sujet et où les utilisateur pourrait répondre directement, en plus de pouvoir y accéder sur wordpress.
Savez-vous si quelqu’un a déjà effectué ce genre de chose ? Me conseillez vous de le faire entièrement en php ou via iframe ( plus simple) ?
]]>I’d love feedback – it’s my first attempt at a plugin and I’m still trying to polish it and add needed features. I’ll probably never get it to play nice with JetPack Comments or Disqus, so if you’re using those you won’t be able to use DrawBlog.