Thanks for help
]]>I’m trying to import a dotclear blog to WordPress. I proceeded with the Dotclear import tool but whereas users and comments are imported, posts and categories fail.
I’ve been trying with WP 3.1 and 2.6.5 for the same result.
Anyone knows what the problem could be ?
Tanks !
]]>I want to move my blog from dotclear to wordpress in the same time I’m moving of web host.
It seems that wordpress allow the importation only from a site installed on the same web host (not a good start).
For technical reason (and it’s pretty boring to have to install a cms to erase it 15min later), I cannot install dotclear on my new host (missing a library). So I tried using the apache server installed on my computer.
1. exporting the dotclear blog to text : ok
2. import my blog into the dotclear installed on my computer : ok
3. install wordpress on my computer : ok
4. import my blog into wordpress : ko
The users and comments are imported but not the categories and… posts (which is quite the most important thing I wanted)
Do you know how can I detect my posts ?
Thank you
edit : hum exact same situation than here. I hope to have more reply
I’m having troubles when i try to import my DotClear blog into WordPress with the related tool. The point is, when I run it, it just imports users and comments. Either posts and categories aren’t recovered.
Does this ring a bell to you ?
Thanks a lot
]]>I’m developing a tool for DotClear 2 users willing to migrate to WordPress.
It’s based on the DotClear 1 import script.
During the comment import process, I found the comment_exists() function located in [wordpress]/wp-admin/includes/comment.php
SELECT comment_post_ID FROM
Should be replace by
per function documentation “@return mixed Comment ID on success.”
Did I miss something?
]]>Does anyone else have this problem? If so, is there a WP fix or another way to go about viewing my pages without going through my proxy server?
When you use the dotclear import script.
Category’s post are not right set.
It’s because in the script, the new id (wp id) of the category is write in the second cell of a tab, so the first cell is empty.
And in wp_set_post_categories function, if the first cell is empty we do nothing (don’t set the category of the post)
So to resolve it :
For WordPress 2.5.1 (may be older also)
In ./wp-admin/import/dotclear.php ligne 397 :
if($cat1 = $category1) { $cats[1] = $cat1; }
replace by
if($cat1 = $category1) { $cats[0] = $cat1; }
But I’m having some troubles : the search isn’t working?
I have this, in my searchform.php:
<div id="search"><h2><label for="q">Search</label></h2>
<form method="get" id="searchform" action="<?php bloginfo('home'); ?>/">
<fieldset><p><input size="10" maxlength="255" id="q" name="q" value="<?php the_search_query(); ?>" type="text"> <input class="submit" value="ok" type="submit"></p></fieldset>
I surely have a lot more issues with this, since I saw a lot of files wich I’m not using o_o … “what this is supposed to do” It would be nice of you to debug it with me
You can see this in action here :
I called this liquid, but’s in fact now elastic, don’t mind that, I want to release this for everyone, like I did for Dotclear
I’ve started my weblog with Dotclear since 2 years. Today, I want to use WP but I don’t want to loose all my work.
I try to use Dotclear importer plugin… But my 627 posts are hudge and the importer can only import… 15 posts !!!
I’ve tried everything (cut off my dc_post to 30 posts for example). Nothing work.
I’ve got a flat export from my webblog.
I really want to use WP. But I don’t want to start from zero !
Thank you
]]>There is a new plugin for Dotclear 1.2.5 here
to backup the dotclear blog in an utf8 flat text file.
I try to modify the livejournal.php to import such a file, without success. If somebody with wordpress knowledge can do that, welcome and thanks in advance.