I have installed your plugin and testing it.
The hover is working, but now I am dealing with double product images, vertical double up, image below the main image.
See: https://ibb.co/YW6cphq
I read this in an earlier topic: ‘Basically our plugin remove the default product image from site loop by using this hook:
remove_action( ‘woocommerce_before_shop_loop_item_title’, ‘woocommerce_template_loop_product_thumbnail’, 10);
Sometimes there are themes that override this hook and then you will see 2 images.
1 is from your theme and 1 is from our plugin.
In such cases you need to identified the theme image and try to display none on it in your style.’
So you say hide the original images, but…
I use this plugin: https://nl.www.ads-software.com/plugins/yith-woocommerce-badges-management/
So on the image above, you see the green ‘Compose’ badges/labels.
If I hide the original images, then these labels are not showing either…
Can you help me/tell me how to let your plugin work with de badges/labels plugin?
I use this theme: https://themeforest.net/item/electro-electronics-store-woocommerce-theme/15720624?s_rank=1
I really hope so!
]]>I noticed today (and got some complaints) that my MailChimp newsletter had double images. I checked the feed, and sure enough, there was a nicely sized image PLUS the original sized image sent to the feed. When I removed the plug-in, the double images went away, but I went back to image captions and summaries, which is not what I wanted.
Looks like I am on WP 5.7.
Is this something you can fix?
Thanks so much!
]]>what the blog post link used to look like in a text message:
featured image
blog post title/link
what the blog post link looks like now in a text message:
featured image
featured image
blog post title/link
If anyone has any ideas, I’d love some advice! Thanks much.
]]>I am still having problem with double images inside post.
As far as I read most recommendation is to disable featured post. Looks like I have different situation.
Most of images in my post doubled, everytime upload it uploaded twice. eventhough I remove one of it, when I published it always appear two of them.
I have take example of the problem here: https://prnt.sc/spfez3
Any clue how I can fix this?
Many thanks and wishing you stay healthy
]]>I’ve successfully migrated my old website to a new domain. But in my WP Dashboard under “media” my pictures appear twice now.
Also: If I put the cursor onto a picture in the frontend, it shows the image link of the old website, even though if I click onto the picture, it shows the image link of the new domain. That’s strange. Also if I take a deep look into the image links of my WP dashboard under “media”, they all have the correct picture links of the new domain. So the migration has been successful.
So, my question is:
1) Why are my pictures doubled now (and how can I delete the unnecessary image copies)?
2) Why does the image link of my new website still shows the image link of my old website if I put my cursor onto the picture, but if I open the image, it shows the link name of the new website?
Your expertise and help is highly appreciated…
Best, Mike
]]>how can this be done?
Easy FancyBox Version 1.8.9
WP Version 4.9.8
Example page with a WP Gallery embed: https://www.a4at.com/2018/10/26/mars-chaos-menace-will-arrive-in-november-on-main-platforms/
Perhaps a class detection logic is needed? (i.e. class=”tiled-gallery type-circle” on example link)
]]>Removing the inserted image above the post header eliminates the double image scenario and only the featured image is displayed, which in my case is the same image. If I remove the featured image, no image is displayed in the desired position in the post. Ignore what code is required to solve this problem and where to insert it and whether this is an issue with some WP or theme file.
I have contacted some theme authors and have yet to receive a solution to this problem.
TIA for any advice on how to solve this undesired issue.