It looks like the Content Toggle block generates one double quote more than needed. This creates some invalid HTML, and some other plugins, like SearchWP, get confused.
Please check the attached screenshot.
Is it possible to have it fixed ?
]]>=QUERY(A1:E; "select A,C,E limit 6 offset 3"; 1)
I need to put it in the query
attribute query="A1:E; "select A,C,E limit 6 offset 3"; 1"
I tried to escape the double quotes, encode them ;quot&
, replace them with single quote but I always get an INVALID_QUERY
expecting one select where group etc
How can I get =QUERY(A1:E; "select A,C,E limit 6 offset 3"; 1)
to work with the plugin?
I check the support forum, your FAQ and documentation but didn’t find anything related.
It might not be a double quote issue so I’ll happily update the topic title for future reference.
]]>The theme I am using has a TAB shortcode, but it breaks if there are links with double quotes in the TAB section. So I have had to use single-quotes for links ( <a href=''>
or for images <img src='source' width='100' height='100'>
etc ).
There must be a function that can be used in the site’s wp-function.php file to stop the Visual editor from converting the singles to doubles?
As it is, I am certain if the client makes an edit the pages with TABS will break.
]]>The original:
<a class="partner1" href= ""><img src="" onmouseover="this.src=''" onmouseout="this.src=''"/> </a>
From my browser:
<a class="partner1" href= ""><img src="" onmouseover="this.src=" http:="""" testsite2="" wp-content="" themes="" londresblog2="" images="" hoteis_over.jpg?4ef49c""="" onmouseout="this.src=" hoteis.jpg?4ef49c""=""> </a>
I want to keep using this plugin, but this is causing me a problem
]]><?php $heading_tag = ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ? ‘h1’ : ‘div’; ?>
<<?php echo $heading_tag; ?> id=”site-title”>
” title=”<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( ‘name’, ‘display’ ) ); ?>” rel=”home”><?php bloginfo( ‘name’ ); ?>
</<?php echo $heading_tag; ?>>
please start only one topic per problem]
El Zoo d'en <a href="" title="Zoo d'en Pitus">Pitus</a>
El Zoo d'en <a href="" title="Zoo d"en Pitus">Pitus</a>
I have been searching this forum and Google for a solution but found no definitive solution (disabling wptexturize doesn’t seems to solve the problem). Any ideas?
]]>With a new 2.2 version all images are being sent to editor with single quotes instead of double.
This breaks a very useful plugin: ‘Post-thumb’
what file do i need to adjust to switch back to double quotes in <img> tags ?
thank you!