I’m just trying to put my first blog up now. However, I am having trouble with the title, it seems to be appearing twice. I’ve tried playing around with the different templates and still had no luck. It shows I only have one on the editor screen, but once I head to preview a second one appears. It’d would be great if you could let me know how to only have one title on display.
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thank you so much, Alice
]]>I just noticed double header titles for the subscription forms.
You can see what I mean in the.
If I remove the title in the widget, both titles disappear together. So I think it is a scripting error?
Kind regards,
]]>Is there any way to avoid this problem?
]]>Thank you to anyone who offers advice here!
– Phoenix
]]>See, eg, https://deborahlouie.com.au/product-category/book/
<main id=”genesis-content” class=”content”>
<div class=”archive-description taxonomy-archive-description taxonomy-description”>
<h1 class=”archive-title”>Book</h1>
<h1 class=”page-title”>Book</h1>
<p class=”woocommerce-result-count”> Showing the single result</p>
<ul class=”products”>
What is the best method to hide/remove one of these elements from the archive listing? and are there adverse SEO implications?
]]>I’m hoping someone will have found a solution to this. I read through the support topics, and this was reported a while back but the developer stated he could not replicate the issue. See https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-stop-site-wide-title-being-added-to-custom-title
However, now the plugin actually states that “%title%” will be added to custom titles (under the custom title field). I would like to stop this just on my front page and JUST have the custom title, not the site title added at the end.
Any ideas or clues would be appreciated. Thanks!
]]>[ Moderator note: code fixed. Please wrap code in the backtick character or use the code button. ]
<title><?php wp_title(''); ?></title>
but my site title now appears as <title>David O’Connor but should read David O’Connor.
here is the code for the header:
<h1 id="site-title"><span><a>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home"><?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?></a></span></h1>
Can anyone help as I can’t figure it out?
thanks in advance
David O’Connor
First off I just want to say that I am using WP 4.4.2 and this forum says that it is “Compatible up to: 4.3.3” so I was just trying to see if it worked.
I love the ease of use with this plugin but it doesnt seem to work with WP 4.4.2 and Customizr 3.4.19.
I have created a custom 404 page, pointed 404page to that page. When I access the page directly I get the proper formatting and layout, when I force the 404 page to come up by typing a non existent url I get a double title and no slider from the theme.
So not a support request as I know I am using an “incompatible” version of WP, I thought it would be nice that you know.
]]>I place text in the Title field, however the text in that title field gets repeated when the widget is displayed in the sidebar. (My Articles by Category, and My Articles by Month)
See the issue here in the right sidebar.
I’ve located the php files:
But being code illiterate I’m not sure what to edit so the widget title shows only once.
]]>I used adjustment for website -> title for website, to enter the title of my website.
The problem is that the title is displayed twice in the browser tab and in bookmarks etc.
I already tried replacing the wp_title function in the header.php with the following but it still did not help:
<title><?php wp_title(); ?></title>