]]>I’ll make a loooong story short…
I deleted the form fields on my Checkout page (E-Commerce plugin) because I thought if I deactivated and reactivated the plugin, they’d come back working properly. Clearly, that was a fail. After searching around the forums, I decided to try the solution of dropping the wp_wpsc_checkout_forms table from my database. Seemed easy enough. I log into my Godaddy database and…the table is nowhere to be found! Am I missing something???? Moving on…
After deactivating and reactivating the E-Commerce plugin, my Checkout and Your Account pages are now altogether gone when I visit the site. They show during a Preview but nothing when I view it live. When I click Checkout/Your Account, it takes me back to the Home page. I checked to make sure that they weren’t deleted somehow but on my “Pages” page, both of them are listed. What the what????
So, my questions are: how can I reset the Checkout form field to default / where is the table in my Godaddy database???? And then, where are my Checkout & Your Account pages?!!!! Again, thank you in advance! I’m already behind schedule with my client
...other functions and things...
function POD_deactivate()
global $wpdb; //required global declaration of WP variable
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix.POD_table_name;
$sql = "DROP TABLE ". $table_name;
register_deactivation_hook(__('POD') , 'POD_deactivate' );
]]>if ($wpdb->query(" DROP TABLE
$table_name` “)) {
} else {
The script IS correctly dropping the table; but show the incorrect message (‘problem while dropping table….’), do you know why ?
Also, is it possible to make a request to directly disable the plugin from my plugin page ?