EOM Version: 5.6
]]>What this does is it checks to see what view you are currently in (list view for example) and makes sure to append that view type onto the category legend links so that when you click them you see the category within the appropriate view and aren’t suddenly thrust back into the default view.
<div id="legend_box" class="tribe-events-calendar">
<ul id="legend">
<?php foreach ( $teccc->terms as $id => $attributes ): ?>
$slug = esc_attr($attributes[Tribe_Events_Category_Colors::SLUG]);
$name = esc_attr($attributes[Tribe_Events_Category_Colors::NAME]);
$link = get_term_link($id, TribeEvents::TAXONOMY);
<li class="tribe-events-category-<?php echo $slug ?> tribe-events-category-<?php esc_attr_e($id) ?>">
<a href="
if( tribe_is_map()) {
echo $link, "map";}
else if( tribe_is_month()) {
echo $link, "month";}
else if( tribe_is_upcoming()) {
echo $link, "upcoming";}
else if( tribe_is_week()) {
echo $link, "week";}
else if( tribe_is_day()) {
echo $link, "day";}
else if( tribe_is_photo()) {
echo $link, "photo";}
else if( tribe_is_venue()) {
echo $link, "venue";}
echo $link;
<?php echo $name ?>
<input type="hidden" value="<?php echo $slug ?>" />
<?php endforeach;?>
I can’t seem to locate the cause.
Thank you for your help!
]]>The sidebar is dropping to the footer and I have search internet for hours, but I cannot find the solution.
Does anybody know what to do, because my HTML knowledge isn’t very wel and I think it might be in the <div> but I don’t know for sure.
And I am using Woocommerce.
This is the code, thnx
<?php get_header(); ?>
<div id="content" class="span8">
<div class="padder">
<?php do_action( 'bp_before_blog_page' ) ?>
<div class="page" id="blog-page">
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php $is_title_hidden = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_cc_hide_title', TRUE); ?>
<?php if(empty($is_title_hidden) || $is_title_hidden == 'no'):
$center_title = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_cc_center_title', TRUE); ?>
<!--<h2 class="pagetitle <?php if(!empty($center_title) && $center_title == 'yes') echo 'title-center'?>"><?php the_title(); ?></h2>-->
<?php endif;?>
<div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
<div class="entry">
<?php the_content( __( '<p class="serif">Read the rest of this page →</p>', 'cc' ) ); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => __( '<p class="cc_pagecount"><strong>Pages:</strong> ', 'cc' ), 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number')); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>
</div><!-- .page -->
<?php cc_list_posts_on_page(); ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
<?php do_action( 'bp_after_blog_page' ) ?>
<?php edit_post_link( __( 'Edit this page.', 'cc' ), '<p class="edit-link">', '</p>'); ?>
<!-- instead of comment_form() we use comments_template(). If you want to fall back to wp, change this function call ;-) -->
<?php comments_template(); ?>
</div><!-- .padder -->
</div><!-- #content -->
<?php get_footer(); ?>
]]>Pretty straightforward 3 column fixed layout with ‘dynamic sidebars’ as per css rules. However, the template being used (and about 6 hours of troubleshooting) at this site: https://SubmitArticleArticleDirectory.net right is ok EXCEPT on posts page.
Another modified version of same theme: https://ArticleArea.com
Works, but this is two column. The 3 column fixed has always had the sidebar dropping issue. Other layouts not so.
Here is the deal. I check the little XML Fixer checkbox under the settings tab. I deleted all the posts and right sidebar widgets… Just added ‘Test’ to one post and one Text sidebar.
The side bar continues to drop to bottom in three column layout.
Going to have to setup a development environment and do hours of testing to fight this one. Site doesn’t pass w3c validation however, checked code and it not same as the errors they say are there. And I can’t make heads or tails of results.
Any ideas folks? I think it is CSS however, this is going to be some work digging into – the file is huge.
]]>Note that the problem only occurs in homepage, and when browsing << older or newer >> posts but not when clicking on to specific post, archive lists or categories. Look and try by your self…
Please any ideas? Heres the address:
Few things that I already tried after searching help from here and with Google:
– I removed few widgets for a moment to check if they or their content causes column to act weird. No results.
– I looked from theme PHP files for open div tags but I didn’t find.
– Also I tried to check if there are too wide images in posts. Nope.
– Then I looked for overlappings from CSS. Nope.
Or am I blind (tired)? I tried various things and now I really need some new aspects, thanks!!
]]>I’m experiencing display discrepancies in Mozilla Firefox. Everything appears to be fine in Internet Explorer, which I find kind of odd.. After searching through the forum for a couple days it seems that it is usually the other way around! The index and post pages are validated and can be found here:
This is a new venture for me and I have really enjoyed the learning process that I have gone through setting up the site and debugging the 300+ validation errors that I originally had! It took a few weeks, but I am down to 0 errors on my index and posts pages.
There are a couple problems I was not able to resolve however. These issues appear to only be displayed in Firefox:
– On the index page, the whole “sidebar area” is dropped down starting at the subscriber section. I’ve tried making the “sidebar area” width smaller than the main div width by increments and some other tactics but to no avail.
– The ACTUAL sidebar is dropped below the rest of the “sidebar area”.
– There is a tall side image (reformasi-07b) to the right of the “sidebar area” which is also dropped.
– Near the bottom, there is a section to the right of the 336×280 Adsense Ad. Here, the header “Articles” (white text, can’t see) is dropped down as well as its sub points.
– It also seems that sometimes my content on different pages drops as well, but it is not consistent! (As well as feature gallery down the center of the index, but not all the time for some reason).
This is a great community and everyone is so helpful. I greatly, greatly appreciate any advice that could be given or direction to be pointed in!
My own little press site :3
I Add new videos and articles every day ^^
It took me a while to set it up so that it would ONLY work with the CO.NR domain :3
beware: javascript heavy! (/ @_@)/
~love jamie
I’ve just installed the Blogrush script on my blog but there seems to be an issue. On the main page it seems fine…but when I click on a post it seems to jump from thesidebar to the bottom of the page.
I’ve actually uninstalled it because it looks bad. But please help if you can.
Has this got something to do with the width of the sidebar? How can I reolve this?
I’ve only just set this blog up recently and it’s been a total nightmare. I’m a total newbie doing my best so please help!
Also if anyone is using Opera and Netscape- do you mind viewing it and letting me know how it looks?
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!