How do you change the salat time to adjust for daylight saving? It started Sunday but the prayer time is not adjusting automatically.
Jazakallah Khair
]]><div class="mec-countdown-details" id="mec_countdown_details"
data-datetime="Sat Nov 6 2021 9:00:00"
data-gmt_offset=" : -04:00">
time is hard…this bit apple, but they fixed it…
the REAL solution is eliminating DST…who knows what mischief occurs when there’s 120 minutes between 2 & 3am, or none;-\
]]>I am trying to work out how I can calculate day light saving time, after I have worked out the timezone. For example. $timezone = 0, when I put in the longitude and latitude of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. This is as expected. But, I want to write a code so it also takes into account daylight saving time. On the 30th July 1985, I would expect an overall output ($time) of 1, as that is the summer time daylight saving adjustment.
I cannot see why the code below wont work, any ideas ? I am sure the rawoffset command is meant to make the adjustment.
$town = urldecode($_GET['town']);
$country = urldecode($_GET['country']);
$location = json_decode(@file_get_contents(''.urlencode($town.', '.(!empty($state) ? $state.', ' : '').$country)), true)['results'][0]['geometry']['location'];
$timezone = json_decode(@file_get_contents(''.$location['lat'].','.$location['lng'].'×tamp='.date('U')), true);
$time = $timezone['rawOffset'] / 60 / 60;
echo $time;
]]>FIrst of all, thank you for this awesome plugin. I could achieve most what I need to do with it.
Unfortunately there is a bug that the time slot for the second part of the day is off only for one day of the month. Can you help me out fixing it? I attached the screenshot, and all settings seem good to me.
Thank you in advance.
]]>Today Europe went into summertime, which have resulted in serious problems with this plugin. ALL my events have been scheduled one hour forward in time. I have checked, and double checked all DST-setting and also tried to change the settings, but withput any results.
On todays event I had to phone attendees to inform them about the correct time, since it also showed the wrong time on them.
Please, this is urgent, how can I get the plugin to display the correct time for my events and on the ticket? People are buying ticket for the wrong event time right now.
Best regards.
Thank you.
Santiago Restrepo