We have been using the BeyondWords WP plugin for last month or so.
We have noticed an issue that when duplicate lines of text exist on page, the audio player often highlights wrong line of text when playing. Also, clicking a duplicate line of text will often take you to the position of the other line of text in the audio player.
For example, if I have some text on page called “My Section Header”, which is the header for some paragraph, and the same text “My Section Header” also exists in a Table of Contents on same page, clicking the “My Section Header” paragraph header will often take me back up to the Table of Contents “My Section Header” reference.
Is this a known issue, and is there any fix for this?
Also, as a workaround, is it possible to prevent certain sections of text (e.g. in above example, the Table of Contents) from getting highlighted/narrated? As even if you don’t send certain text to BW, the narrator still might try to narrate if there is a matching line of text somewhere in the content you want BW to narrate.
Please let me know. Thanks.
With your app enabled unfortunately, our emails are not how we like them.
We have a system that every order gets first checked before we agree to fulfill it even if the customer already paid for it. So in the first email the customer receives we let him/her know that.
The text goes like this…
Hello Julien,
Please allow us some time to examine your order individually before confirming it and giving you a more precise delivery period. This process includes production scheduling and may therefore take up to several days.
Your order details are shown below. We advise you to check all details immediately for correctness and completeness and let us know any errors by return mail.
Please set your spam filters that e-mails from our domain bite.guitars are delivered to your inbox. You may want to ask Google to show you the way around your mail app’s filter settings, that word on the tip of your tongue is “whitelist”.
Below we also insert our General Terms & Conditions for your reference.
In the first attachment you see an email of an order where the whole text is missing. (Deposit Paid via Paypal)
In the second attachment you see an email of an order (BankTransfer) where the text is there but the added text (reference below) in reference to the payment method banktransfer is in there twice:
Please transfer the purchase amount to our bank account as soon as possible, your order will be reserved for 7 days.
Our bank details
Account Name: BITE Guitars Maderthaner
Bank: Raiffeisen
Account Number: 7591886
IBAN: AT70 3200 0000 0759 1886
Payment reference: #9477
Hope you can help me with this!
Thanks in advance!
]]>I read many WordPress.com blogs too, and although I don’t know for certain if this problem is occurring there too, I’ve noticed an increase of double text on those blogs as well.
I can’t say for certain when I started noticing this, but it’s a fairly new problem. Perhaps just a few months.
Has anyone seen this or know what causes it?
In any case, here is the issue, and solution, it has to do with screen-reader CSS. Some themes do not provide the required support for screen reader text so it shows up in cases it shouldn’t. Here is the css to add in order to take care of that issue:
.screen-reader-response {
clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
position: absolute !important;
height: 1px;
width: 1px;
overflow: hidden;
.screen-reader-response:focus {
clip: auto !important;
display: block;
height: auto;
left: 5px;
top: 5px;
width: auto;
z-index: 100000; /* Above WP toolbar. */
]]>I want each widget to display its own 1st and 2nd title text, not sure why this is happening. This wasn’t an issue until recently, I have just downloaded and installed WPML Multilingual CMS and WPML Widgets for the Chinese translations of my site.
Please help!
]]>Please help.
]]>THE CONFLICT: The text underneath the image{BOTTOM RIGHT) won’t go away–it’s an exact duplicate of the text one on the left and we can’t get seem to figure out how to rid ourselves of this menace–and get this! It repeats on every POST and PAGE, I’m in need of assistance. Please and Thankyou.
[please mark any code by following the forum guidelines for posting code]
<h1><?php the_category() ?></h1>
<?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div <?php post_class('single-item'); ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
<div class="post-body">
<div class="si_pics">
if ($flg_img_extract) {
$content = get_the_content();
$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
$content = adjust_single_image($content);
echo $content;
else {
<div class="si_info">
<div class="si_title">
<h2 class="post-title"><a>" rel="bookmark"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
<div class="si_body">