Pages can not be loaded for non admin users (normal frontend visitors) after upgrading to the latest version. Content output is doubling somewhere else (in Chrome, Edge is just showing a white page).
Debugging found the following issues:
– ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of fvm_process_page in /wp-content/plugins/fast-velocity-minify/inc/frontend.php on line 45
– iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string in /wp-content/plugins/fast-velocity-minify/libs/simplehtmldom/simple_html_dom.php on line 1057
Best regards
I have an issue with a starting project.
I am writing articles in Dutch for my Dutch speaking citizens in Belgium, but since they also speak Dutch in the Netherlands I also want them to read the content but not from a .be domain but from a .nl domain.
Now, what is the best plan of action here?
Create 2 domains that point to the same domain, but then I notice if people from the Netherlands go to the .nl domain which is pointed to the .be domain they will still see the .be url in their browser.
I also do not want to duplicate content, altho. I need to write the article so that it will have both keywords in it, for Belgium and for the Netherlands.
I am a bit lost with this issue, any advice on how I should handle this?
Looking forward to the answers.
Best regards, Bjorn.
]]>suddenly, if I use reusable content block in a page that I have created with Elementor, some of the content is duplicated. If I use the same block in Gutenberg, everything is fine.
Sounds weird… but true!
Here are some pics.
WP: 5.8
Elementor: 3.3.1
Elementor Pro: 3.3.4
Reusable Blocks Extended: 0.7
Everything works well, but now when you search in google by whatever of the terms that my posts are very good ranked, you can found two results, one for the recipe with the structure: mydomain/post-name/, and another one as mydomain/recipes/post-name/. BTW, I’m not using the word category word before every category, and Recipes is my main category, and the rest of categories are inside this one.
The canonical url is the same for both results in the SERPS: mydomain/post-name/. But actually, in the SERPs the google result with the category shows the correct description and the correct schema with the stars, etc… while the real canonical url now is showed very ugly with a bad description, and a bad look, no stars, no nothing….
?How to solve this? The post-sitemap.xml is ok as well, and there is no recipe with the primary category on it, I mean the structure of all the links is correct inside the sitemap. So, it’s so weird, and it was no happening before to use the primary category on every post.
I hope you can help me on this.
Thanks in advance!
]]>The Guest Authors admin list has the following display problem:
1 – Except for the ID column and the Name column, all columns contain duplicated data.
2 – In the Quick edit mode, the Author box field is duplicated.
3 – Less important, the name column is the last column when it should be the first.
We are on a multisite wordpress installation.
The plugin is activated on a site by site fashion.
The theme used is Twenty Twenty and all other plugins are deactivated.
Thank you in advance.
]]>We are trying to implement the plugin on a home page which is having 2 sections of products but we want infinity scroll just on the second. We managed it working but for some unknown reason, the products from the first section always appear when the new results are fetched.
We’ve added the following class to differ the two product sections: product_scroll
Here are the settings we used:
Navigation Selector: .product_scroll .woocommerce-pagination
Next Selector: .product_scroll .woocommerce-pagination
Item Selector: li.product
Content Selector: .product_scroll ul.products
Thanks in advance!
]]>I have one query!. I can only see the amp page if I add /amp on the last of the URL. Is that possible to remove amp. I need to show a page URL only. Is that possible. If it’s possible please let me know how to do that only and thanks for the Great plugin.
]]>I’ve noticed that when we assign a shop page as homepage in READING, we get two links.
Those two link will have the same content, so they will be considered as duplicated by google.
How is woocommerce fixing this? I have several stores that behave like this and they all have this issue…
]]><?php wc_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-product' ); ?>
code all the content duplicates itself, but if I use the standard the_content
code then it’s fine however it rendered these extra divs I don’t won’t. I much prefer to do it with <?php wc_get_template_part( 'content', 'single-product' ); ?>
I have gotten it to work in the past with other sites but this time it’s duplicating everything