I would like to have all the background white, alongside the footer area and have the read more buttons etc. in the turquoise ish colour. Is there a simple CSS command to do this (it was one of the standard color options in wordpress.com Dyad2) or any help on doing the background/footer individually?
I am new to www.ads-software.com and CSS I am afraid.
Please note Bluehost are moving mattbrabnerosteopathy.com to their server so not sure what you will see on that site currently.
Thanks very much
]]>Is it necessary to update from Dyad 1.0.10 to Dyad 2 , and how easy it is because i use child theme .
Thank you
]]>I am planning to activate google adsense for my blog https://www.dontgiveafork.com . I am facing two issues:
1) Since the google adsense plug in is going off, I dont know where to add the google code to activate my adsense account. I am not a coder so dont know how to access the html and insert the code after <head>
2) In all tutorials, the adsense is added to the side bar. Unfortunately, in dyad2 there are no sidebars. So how do I go about adding the ads on my blog (both home page and posts)
For isntance, what I’m wanting to do really is create a static home page, that has the slider/header image at the top, then add some content, then have the blogs with below that content i.e.
=== HEADER ===
=== CONTENT (that I can rearrange with a page buidler) ===
=== BLOGS ====
=== FOOTER ===