The screen is called “Create Projects” in 7.0.2 but has been renamed due to continued upgrade. 7.0.3 displays a Manage Projects tab.
More will come for this screen so that it makes a quick and easy way to take big actions. Pausing automation in the premium edition of the plugin is one. A button that appears for a specific project when a project has Flags (free and paid edition) is another idea on the task list. When that button is clicked, the projects flags would be listed.
There are more changes for version 7.0.3 which will be released shortly. Just preparing the files now.
]]>XML import is a favored approach by many users. Some even want to work with both XML and CSV files within ECI. We have had requests for three years to provide XML import ability in the fashion we offer.
We’ve decided to finally go ahead with it. Starting with some very small baby steps. You’ll see the new XML panel output various test results while I figure out the best approach that fits with our existing plugins way of operating and interface.
Overall it will be simple. One thing I know for sure is that there will be no direct post creation straight from the .xml files. We will do what we do with .csv files and import data to a project database table. That has huge benefits and considering we were the first to offer such an approach we would like to build on it further.
]]>We are going to create more videos for the free edition only and some that apply to both. So please give us some thumbs up on the videos you like and let us know if there are any you would like made.
You can send your CSV file and explain your project so that videos use some of your specifications, if you wish.
This is(another WebTechGlobal plugin) that was designed for unlimited expansion without interfering with existing interface features too much. The interface is busy and some of the advanced feature makes the interface a little confusing for none developers. Actually some developers get stumped because they are so used to the standard importers on WordPress. The core of the plugin holds a lot of ability so it only made sense to use it for Easy CSV Importer.
Easy CSV Importer
The key difference with our new ECI 7.0.0 released in the last 24 hours…is the interface. We’re trying to offer about 80% of the functionality in CSV 2 POST but in an easy fashion. To achieve this we’ll need to use Ajax a lot and update the UI based on options being selected. We’re not there yet but what we have to start with is great.
Continued Development
Both plugins will continue to grow. Where one improves so will the other, in most cases. Much of the growth will be in the premium edition but for every few key improvements we make to our paid version we like to release a little something new for free users.
Existing Premium Users
Remember to get a copy of the full edition from WebTechGlobal and do not update using You may also get a copy of CSV 2 POST’s paid edition to help you establish which plugin suits you best. We provide both plugins for the price of one at this time but it is a short term offer.
]]>Any help would be hugely appreciated cheers.