So let me start from beginning. I put in CSS code into my Live Preview and it would change but when I would check site from WordPress, it wouldn’t update. I could check preview from the Edit pages and it was updated. So I did research. Spent a day figuring it out.
I deactivated and reactivated plugins. I cleared cache. Now it works. My top bar is turquoise instead of the pink that comes with the theme. Seems it is now reading my CSS code.
BUT NOW, my Home page is gone. When I go to Edit page, and edit my home page, it is there and image is there. When I go to Preview, it’s gone. When I go to my site, it’s gone. All other pages are there but my Home page. Yes, my home page is set to Static, front page.
I’m at a loss of what to do. This has taken me weeks to set up, and I’m about to just go to Wix because I built my husband’s site in less than an hour. Honestly WordPress has just made everything seem so hard.
I’m ready to just give up.
]]>Ok, so it SEEMS like the home page is functioning properly. When I enter “Pages” in the back-end, I’m able to edit ALMOST everything. Here’s the catch – It seems like there are two pages on my home-page. When I edit the home page through the “Pages” tab, if I deactivate EVERYTHING on that page, my home page DOES reflect those changes, but still displays another page UNDER all of it. It looks like it’s some sort of search results. I believe this is hard-coded in somewhere and I just don’t know where to find it. I tested the location by putting a massive text box at the VERY end of my “Home Page”. The text shows up (is currently still on the page so you can see) when I visit the website, but UNDER that text was the entire other page (search results page??) with sidebar and everything. Any idea? Do you need me to provide more information? As far as I know, NOT related to cache issues. Cleared cache on server end and use incognito window through Chrome.
Seems like after it reads the layout of the “Home Page”, it the adds the next page to it. The TOP part of the home page is what I want to keep and be able to manipulate / edit through the WordPress back-end under “Pages”.
But I want to get rid of the bottom part, between the words
and above the footer. Any ideas? Thanks!
Website –
Wordpress 4.7
A friend of mine has a site that was developed by a designer that for reasons unknown stopped working on the site. He contacted me asking if I could help him remove the search feature from his home page. I was able to locate the search form but cannot find where it resides to edit or remove it. I cloned a copy of the site and have a live version at He want to remove the search fields just below the FlexSlider. Instead of the search fields he wants it to say, Search our Vacation Rentals .
The Home page appears under the Appearance/Theme tab, but not in the list under the Pages tab. I do not know how access the place where it can be edited.
I found a previously closed topic on this subject and this was the response:
“The “home” page is not really a Page. It is created dynamically and you would edit it by changing theme options. Also by changing css and php using a child theme.”
Unfortunately, as a complete novice, I don’t really understand that response. I don’t want to change the theme, I just want to update verbiage and change out the video.
Direction is greatly appreciated.