I need support to help me find a solution about the fact that I can’t edit anymore all my WP forms. It was always working so well before.
I already desactivated and removed the plugin without success.
I desactivated all my plugins and re-activated one by one
I clear all the cache.
I checked the incompatibility – no success.
Please, what do you suggest
Thank you.
]]>However, what I can’t find is how a user (who created an event) can edit it afterwards. How do I enable this function in the frontend?
]]>Is it possible to edit the visibility of the search, header, page entries, and admin area somehow?
Otherwise this seems amazing!
Thank you!
]]>I’ve edited the checkout using it, but nothing is changing. What am I missing? Thank you.
]]>As an admin user, when editing a users resume from the dashboard, I want to be able to update the region from the sidebar list but I am only seeing part of the list and even if I do a search on known regions it does not find them.
Is there a way to increase the size of what is shown to the admin user when editing a resume?
Here is the video of the error: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1–MB7HoZaxYo4-bUlzqqe1I_qgsxwOU1/view?usp=sharing
Please let me know how i can fix this! No one has been helpful.