I have added contributors to specific department pages but it seems like they can edit other pages?
For example, I have given a clinical engineering colleague access as a contributor and he can see the clinical engineering pages, but he can also see other pages which other contributors have access to?
So overall, all contributors can see all pages contributors have access to, instead of just being able to access the one they have been assigned to.
sorry if that made no sense, was hard to word! the website is regarding a hospital.
]]>How do authors/editors access the wordpress dashboard? I have changed there user role from a user to an author. As I am an admin, I get a dashboard link in the top left or I get ‘edit page’ on the pages I can edit. The website we have is an internal intranet so I cannot share the link.
]]>Best regards
]]>When I reactivate this plugin, the errors come back.
]]>I am wondering is if there is an editor for WordPress that can handle HTML inserted in the formatted mode of the editor.
In Blogspot, until their inexplicably awful update, one could insert html in formatted text, which I frequently do with the browser extension that I developed.
So, for example, if I wanted to insert a superscript in a formatted line something like this:
This is really REALLY stupid.<sup>*</sup> (Capitalized indicates bold)
Would render like this:
This is really REALLY stupid.* ((Capitalized indicates bold, and the asterisk is superscripted)
I insert HTML code directly a lot, and switching back to an HTML view each time I want to do this is a pain.
Yes, I know that this is kind of weird, but it was how Blogspot actually worked for at least the past 14 years, and I am used to it.
]]>Thanks for the incredibly cool plugin. I have a quick question.
How can I disable the icon and administration link in the Reporting interface for users with the “Editor” role?
I have selected “View” rights in the plugin settings for Editors, but now I need to disable the ability to access any settings for these users from the “Reporting” interface.
To make it clear to you what I’m talking about, I made two screenshots.
One screenshot shows which icon I want to remove, the other screenshot shows which page I want to disable.