Many Thanks in Advanced
]]>Hands down the best theme I have used in a long time! Support has been outstanding! I’m so happy with the choice and website! They’ve made it so simple and easy to navigate.
]]>We are currently on developing the new global site and will move/migrate the to the new version.
We are now interested on building with wordpress rather than the manual coding. But after searching some wp themes, its quite confused to find the right one.
From I found the theme looks good but to much simple. I also found [ removed ] and the cost around $69. It’s okay to spend the money but is it worth to try?
So, any suggestions will be helpful for us before we are jumping to wordpress.
]]>1- downloadable courses (Videos) with samples like on Udemy.
2- courses that require attending to a physical location.
for this type there might be few locations that will run same course on different start dates.
Any advice will be highly appreciated.
Thank you very much.
Im using Michigan theme by Webnus and I have Courses added on my website. Can I just show them on my calendar instead of Events? Because all my courses are actually my events too so basically I want to show them in calendar view but I dont know how.
Thanks in advance..
]]>I am absolutely running my agency with the themes WEN Themes produce. Like others, this theme is ideal for educational site. Thank you for the contribution. Cheers !
]]>I am using Education theme, and I would like to add alt attribute on the logo that is located here:
but I can’t find in my header.php where it must be done
Here is the content of header.php:
* The Header for our theme.
// Theme init - don't remove next row! Load custom options
$theme_skin = themerex_esc(themerex_get_custom_option('theme_skin'));
$blog_style = themerex_get_custom_option(is_singular() && !themerex_get_global('blog_streampage') ? 'single_style' : 'blog_style');
$body_style = themerex_get_custom_option('body_style');
$logo_style = themerex_get_custom_option('top_panel_style');
$article_style = themerex_get_custom_option('article_style');
$top_panel_style = themerex_get_custom_option('top_panel_style');
$top_panel_opacity = themerex_get_custom_option('top_panel_opacity');
$top_panel_position = themerex_get_custom_option('top_panel_position');
$video_bg_show = themerex_get_custom_option('show_video_bg')=='yes' && (themerex_get_custom_option('video_bg_youtube_code')!='' || themerex_get_custom_option('video_bg_url')!='');
?><!DOCTYPE html>
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
<meta charset="<?php bloginfo( 'charset' ); ?>" />
if (themerex_get_theme_option('responsive_layouts') == 'yes') {
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
if (floatval(get_bloginfo('version')) < "4.1") {
<title><?php wp_title( '|', true, 'right' ); ?></title>
<link rel="profile" href="" />
<link rel="pingback" href="<?php bloginfo( 'pingback_url' ); ?>" />
$favicon = themerex_get_custom_option('favicon');
if (!$favicon) {
if ( file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('skins/'.($theme_skin).'/images/favicon.ico')) )
$favicon = themerex_get_file_url('skins/'.($theme_skin).'/images/favicon.ico');
if ( !$favicon && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('favicon.ico')) )
$favicon = themerex_get_file_url('favicon.ico');
if ($favicon) {
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="<?php echo esc_url($favicon); ?>" />
$class = $style = '';
if ($body_style=='boxed' || themerex_get_custom_option('load_bg_image')=='always') {
$customizer = themerex_get_theme_option('show_theme_customizer') == 'yes';
if ($customizer && ($img = (int) themerex_get_value_gpc('bg_image', 0)) > 0)
$class = 'bg_image_'.($img);
else if ($customizer && ($img = (int) themerex_get_value_gpc('bg_pattern', 0)) > 0)
$class = 'bg_pattern_'.($img);
else if ($customizer && ($img = themerex_get_value_gpc('bg_color', '')) != '')
$style = 'background-color: '.($img).';';
else {
if (($img = themerex_get_custom_option('bg_custom_image')) != '')
$style = 'background: url('.esc_url($img).') ' . str_replace('_', ' ', themerex_get_custom_option('bg_custom_image_position')) . ' no-repeat fixed;';
else if (($img = themerex_get_custom_option('bg_custom_pattern')) != '')
$style = 'background: url('.esc_url($img).') 0 0 repeat fixed;';
else if (($img = themerex_get_custom_option('bg_image')) > 0)
$class = 'bg_image_'.($img);
else if (($img = themerex_get_custom_option('bg_pattern')) > 0)
$class = 'bg_pattern_'.($img);
if (($img = themerex_get_custom_option('bg_color')) != '')
$style .= 'background-color: '.($img).';';
<body <?php
body_class('themerex_body body_style_' . esc_attr($body_style)
. ' body_' . (themerex_get_custom_option('body_filled')=='yes' ? 'filled' : 'transparent')
. ' theme_skin_' . esc_attr($theme_skin)
. ' article_style_' . esc_attr($article_style)
. ' layout_' . esc_attr($blog_style)
. ' template_' . esc_attr(themerex_get_template_name($blog_style))
. ' top_panel_style_' . esc_attr($top_panel_style)
. ' top_panel_opacity_' . esc_attr($top_panel_opacity)
. ($top_panel_position != 'hide' ? ' top_panel_show top_panel_' . esc_attr($top_panel_position) : '')
. ' menu_' . esc_attr(themerex_get_custom_option('menu_align'))
. ' user_menu_' . (themerex_get_custom_option('show_menu_user')=='yes' ? 'show' : 'hide')
. ' ' . esc_attr(themerex_get_sidebar_class(themerex_get_custom_option('show_sidebar_main'), themerex_get_custom_option('sidebar_main_position')))
. ($video_bg_show ? ' video_bg_show' : '')
. ($class!='' ? ' ' . esc_attr($class) : '')
if ($style!='') echo ' style="'.esc_attr($style).'"';
<?php echo force_balance_tags(themerex_get_custom_option('gtm_code')); ?>
<?php do_action( 'before' ); ?>
if (themerex_get_custom_option('menu_toc_home')=='yes') echo do_shortcode( '[trx_anchor id="toc_home" title="'.__('Home', 'themerex').'" description="'.__('{Return to Home} - |navigate to home page of the site', 'themerex').'" icon="icon-home-1" separator="yes" url="'.home_url().'"]' );
if (themerex_get_custom_option('menu_toc_top')=='yes') echo do_shortcode( '[trx_anchor id="toc_top" title="'.__('To Top', 'themerex').'" description="'.__('{Back to top} - |scroll to top of the page', 'themerex').'" icon="icon-angle-double-up" separator="yes"]' );
<div class="body_wrap">
if ($video_bg_show) {
$youtube = themerex_get_custom_option('video_bg_youtube_code');
$video = themerex_get_custom_option('video_bg_url');
$overlay = themerex_get_custom_option('video_bg_overlay')=='yes';
if (!empty($youtube)) {
<div class="video_bg<?php echo ($overlay ? ' video_bg_overlay' : ''); ?>" data-youtube-code="<?php echo esc_attr($youtube); ?>"></div>
} else if (!empty($video)) {
$info = pathinfo($video);
$ext = !empty($info['extension']) ? $info['extension'] : 'src';
<div class="video_bg<?php echo esc_attr($overlay) ? ' video_bg_overlay' : ''; ?>"><video class="video_bg_tag" width="1280" height="720" data-width="1280" data-height="720" data-ratio="16:9" preload="metadata" autoplay loop src="<?php echo esc_url($video); ?>"><source src="<?php echo esc_url($video); ?>" type="video/<?php echo esc_attr($ext); ?>"></source></video></div>
<div class="page_wrap">
// Top panel and Slider
if (in_array($top_panel_position, array('above', 'over'))) { require_once( themerex_get_file_dir('templates/parts/top-panel.php') ); }
require_once( themerex_get_file_dir('templates/parts/slider.php') );
if ($top_panel_position == 'below') { require_once( themerex_get_file_dir('templates/parts/top-panel.php') ); }
// User custom header
if (themerex_get_custom_option('show_user_header') == 'yes') {
$user_header = themerex_strclear(themerex_get_custom_option('user_header_content'), 'p');
if (!empty($user_header)) {
$user_header = themerex_substitute_all($user_header);
<div class="user_header_wrap"><?php echo ($user_header); ?></div>
// Top of page section: page title and breadcrumbs
$header_style = '';
if ($top_panel_style=='light') {
$header_image2 = get_header_image();
$header_color = themerex_get_custom_option('show_page_top') == 'yes' ? apply_filters('themerex_filter_get_link_color', themerex_get_custom_option('top_panel_bg_color')) : '';
if (empty($header_image2) && file_exists(themerex_get_file_dir('skins/'.($theme_skin).'/images/bg_over.png'))) {
$header_image2 = themerex_get_file_url('skins/'.($theme_skin).'/images/bg_over.png');
if ($header_image2!='' || $header_color != '') {
$header_style = ' style="' . ($header_image2!='' ? 'background-image: url('.esc_url($header_image2).'); background-repeat: repeat-x; background-position: center top;' : '') . ($header_color ? ' background-color:'.esc_attr($header_color).';' : '') . '"';
if (themerex_get_custom_option('show_page_top') == 'yes') {
$show_title = themerex_get_custom_option('show_page_title')=='yes';
$show_breadcrumbs = themerex_get_custom_option('show_breadcrumbs')=='yes';
<div class="page_top_wrap<?php echo ($show_title ? ' page_top_title' : '') . ($show_breadcrumbs ? ' page_top_breadcrumbs' : ''); ?>"<?php echo ($header_style); ?>>
<div class="content_wrap">
<?php if ($show_breadcrumbs) { ?>
<div class="breadcrumbs">
<?php if (!is_404()) themerex_show_breadcrumbs(); ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($show_title) { ?>
<h1 class="page_title"><?php echo strip_tags(themerex_get_blog_title()); ?></h1>
<?php } ?>
<div class="page_content_wrap"<?php echo (themerex_get_custom_option('show_page_top') == 'no' ? ' ' . trim($header_style) : ''); ?>>
// Content and sidebar wrapper
if ($body_style!='fullscreen') themerex_open_wrapper('<div class="content_wrap">');
// Main content wrapper
themerex_open_wrapper('<div class="content">');
Thank you
]]>I can’t find where you can change this text?
]]>I need some free education theme for my upcoming project. Could you please give me some awesome links for that. Thanks.
]]>do you know if there is some education theme which has the following function?:
I plan english website consisting of 30 lessons. I want users to access the next lessons not sooner than 24hours after passing the previous one.
Is some theme with this function available?
Thank you!