keep it up!
]]>My problem is when I try to install site kit plugin to my site in wordpress, I can’t continue all steps, that’s because when I start with the page says:
“Welcome to Site Kit! Let’s get you set up.
To verify that you own and help set up your Search Console property, wants to access and your Google Account data.
You’ll need to sign in with your Google Account to start the process.
Verify site ownership
Allow to access Google Account data
Set up Search Console
Sign in with Google”
when I press “Sign In With Google” the page is reloaded only, without taking me to the page which will ask me to choose google account to sign in and still at the same.
I don’t know what should I do, even I tried to do these steps:.
1- i have latest update of wordpress.
2- latest update from site kit plugin.
3- remove & reinstall site kit plugin.
4- clear cash & browser history.
5- Try to do this from incognito windows.
6- Disable cloud-flare and change to Twenty Twenty theme and disable all plugins expect woocommerce .
“Site health” is:-
Great job!
Everything is running smoothly here.
and WordPress Address (URL) & Site Address (URL) is the same
after all of this nothing is happened still the same problem
Please help me…
notes ” I Have the plugin in another site ” ” and it is work perfect with all feature it have without any problems.
WordPress 4.2.2 running Hello Egypt theme
buddypress Version
bbPress 2.5.7.
sorry for my bad englisgh
[bumps moderated]
]]>I need a valid plugin to support e-payment in Egypt.
Thanks to help.
Incidentally, this blog has nothing to do with the people of Ancient Egypt, or their interest in all things triangular in nature. Long story short, the name is an insider joke between friends. Instead, you’ll find a music review series I attempt to do every Friday, as well as various other opinion pieces that end up showcasing what an opinionated jerk I can be. I invite everybody to check it out, and leave comments where applicable. It’s not my goal to anger the world with my opinions, my amateurish style, or the dozens upon dozens of spelling errors and/or words I might’ve ended up making up (example: ununique). Just throwing it out there.
While I’m here, I might as well say that I was originally hoping to find an Ancient Egypt theme to complement the title. Heck, I would’ve even been content with a simple generic desert theme. Sadly, I couldn’t find an Ancient Egypt theme, and I honestly wasn’t very fond of how the one desert theme I found ended up looking. So I ended up going with something called “My Depressive” for the time being. It probably won’t light your eyes on fire with its visual awesomeness, but it gets the job done.
]]>Czech language
Default theme (modified)
Check it out!
]]>my new website was going today online – designed by myself.
I’m an artist from Germany, doing a bunch of art and bringing crazy stuff for the world. “The World was just the beginning … !”
Malte Kebbel