The shortcode used is [events_list scope=”future” limit=”64″ category=”Home”]…display code…[/events_list], where “display code” is not the default output from settings.
<div class="em em-view-container" id="em-view-586211546" data-view="list">
<div class="em em-list em-events-list size-large" id="em-events-list-586211546" data-view-id="586211546">
The previous version did not output these divs. My site does not display correctly with these new divs on any page with a events_list shortcode.
Please remove these divs as they are not needed for shortcodes that do not use the formatting settings.
]]>?Is it possible to add the rem unit in the fonts adjustment?
And, ?is it possible to let more decimals in the em font? For example, a 18px size is a 1,125rem, so the font-size adjusts only lets 1,1.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I’m wondering if there’s a way to increase the line-height along with the font-size property, since it’s causing text to overlap all over the place:
I’m using Elementor Pro, with site-wide styles set and line-heights utilising EM measurements.
]]>How can I use em as unit for breakpoints?
It’s the best practice.
]]>Where can I find some tips and trics about the differences (and when to use best) the settings: px % EM REM VW VH ? (TT3 theme)
Greetings, Marc
]]>Where can I find some tips and trics about the differences (and when to use best) the settings: px % EM REM VW VH ?
Greetings, Marc
]]>I want organiser to send mail (custom text ) to their attendees. When a organiser logs in a option to Send Mail (function) is required and then a form to add subject and custom text should appear. On submit all attendees should get an email with same.
Edit | Booking Summary| Attendee Summary | (Need this –>) [Send Mail]
I’m happy with the display the code gives in the default case- all good and working well, but for some reson the grouped setting = “Events page grouping” & “Events page grouping header” & “Events page grouping date format” IS NOT BEING FETCHED when applied in other parts (tags and categories).
I’m using a table setup (which should not matter + I’ve tried with and without) and EM unexplainably (for me) generates 1 new table per 1 event… in other words;
When I create 1 recurring event, composed of 1 event per day for 5 days -> it displays well in the event page, that means 1 event under its corresponding date (“Events page grouping header”) = a total of 5 events & 1 week (5 single days) is being displayed under each date as expected.
Whilst in Tags and Categories it is displays as an ungrouped table with 5 events… the events are not being grouped and displayed accordingly. Now, overriding the default settings under “formats” with [events_list_grouped], instead generates 25 events ( -> each event generates and displays a whole new week for some unexplainable reason). There are now 5 weeks displayed. I need this to work as expected.
Please advise were I’m doing wrong, If It’s on me :), with this! //
Used in combination with EM 5.9.9 (note: switching other plugins off does NOT resolve the issue):
Elementor…. 3.0.16
Elementor Pro… 3.0.10
Hello theme… 2.3.1
Wordpress… 5.6
I have used this plugin before without problems.
On a new web site, it lists only the WordPress users (like admin and so on) and not the WooCommerce users which have ordered (there are 12 orders with different customers).
Is there any thing I can do to make it work ?
I do have an OpenCage API Key
What makes me wonder is, that I do have following folder structur.
My WP has
– /wp-content/plugins/events-manager
– /wp-content/themes/my-theme/
so no plugins in theme folder???
WP Ver.: 5.2.4–de_DE
EM Ver.: 5.9.6
EM OSM Ver.: 2.9.7
Any ideas?
Thank you