Unfortunately, this resulted not in the Site Administrator (as defined in General Settings) getting an email, but EVERY USER that was set as an Administrator role. So suddenly I had 12 clients getting spammed with 400kb emails. (Yes, it’s crazy that they have 12 administrators, but it’s an ego thing and we got tired of arguing. They are the clients after all). So I’d consider that a design flaw. Either send it to the Site Administrator, or explicitly state that you mean any Administrator Role. The standard plugin ‘notify administrator’ setting means the Site Administrator.
HOWEVER, that’s not even the issue I’m writing about. After being called to the carpet by the CEO of a major company (who, yes, wanted to be an administrator), I immediately turned the feature (and all diagnostics) off by unchecking all of the boxes on the Diagnostics page.
Imagine my horror when, 23 hours later, all of the administrators are bombarded AGAIN with diagnostic email! All of the boxes are unchecked, and debugging mode is set to ‘off.’ Yet it persists.
To hopefully disrupt this, I’ve checked ‘Send a daily email digest to another e-mail address,’ using my own address. However, I’d like to just stop sending email altogether.
Any help?
]]>Category 1
– Category1StoryLink
– Category1StoryLink
– Category1StoryLink
Category 2
– Category2StoryLink
– Category2StoryLink
Thanks everyone in advance!
]]>Really love the plugin — thanks for all the hard work so far!
]]>I have been having issues with email digests being sent out to my subscribers for the past few weeks.
I went through your FAQ list for troubleshooting….
!.) My number of recipients per email is set to 1
2.) I installed WP Crontrol…it shows future subscribe2 digest ready to go out
3.) my templates are not empty
4.) I have not excluded any categories in registered users
5.) I installed an Email log plug in and sent out an email to all my 658 subscribers…the log shows only 121 emails went out. I have 3 emails of my own I have to make sure these go out and only 2 out of the three received them. Only one of my two gmail accts got the message, although one day this past week, all three got the digest.
6.) I called my hosting provider again. I can have up to 1000 emails sent out. They checked on their end and found no restrictions nor said there were any changes. They told me to check back with Subscribe2.
7.) I systematically shut down other plugins to see if there are conflicts… still spotty email digests.
8.) My theme is Weaver version 2.2.9
9.) All other plugins, including Subscibe2, are updated.
10.) No redbox errors
Any suggestions on to what else to check or do? I am at a loss at this point. I can’t understand why only 121 emails are going out to my 658 subscribers.
Bay Area Art Grind
]]>Any suggestions on to what else to check or do? I am at a loss at this point. I don’t understand why only 121 emails are going out to my 658 subscribers.
Bay Area Art Grind
My client is reporting multiple emails being sent. Some users are receiving multiple emails, other are receiving the expect amount.
There is no obvious difference between the users. Some users are subscribe to more categories than others, some roles are restricted access to certain categories. However there is no consistency between the user attributes (category access / subscription) and the number of emails being sent (i.e. one administrator with the same access/subscription setup as another administrator receives only one email, the other receives multiple emails).
Has anyone come across this problem?
Thanks in advance Dave