I’m using Windows so have been pressing the Windows key and the . key to open the Emjoi panel.
There are some emjois not on that panel that I would like to insert.
I’ve seen them on other WordPress sites and when looking at where they are hosted, they seem to be on the www.ads-software.com site.
Here are some examples of the ones I would like to use:
Does anyone know how to insert them via the emoji panel? Or should I just insert them as regular images?
Is there a way to see all of the available emojis? Those hosted by www.ads-software.com?
Many thanks
]]>i m going crazy with some strange issue related with emoji/emoticons.
recently we have migrated many wp sites from a server to a new server.
after migration in all sites on the new server emoticons/emoji are disappeared from posts content and at their place is shown a ? (question mark).
in old server emoji are ok and visible.
in old and new server, looking at DB in wp_posts table, inside post content there are in both DBs ? where are emoji.
but in old server websites posts emoji are converted in html in fronted as
while in new server this converersion not happens.
we tryed many solutions with no luck!
some sites have many thousands of posts and fix it its really an issue.
thank you in advance for any advice or help!!
]]>First of all thank you very much for this useful plugin that I’ve been using for some time on all websites. I have never taken the time to leave a review for this plugin but I intend to do so, especially since I will now have a first experience with your support !
So all is in the title. To reproduce this bug, for example, just try to send a test message to a customer from a WooCommerce order (through the native “customer order note” feature of WooCommerce).
You will see that if you insert an emoticon character in the note (like “”), the email will be sent to the customer but not logged in your plugin.
FYI: WordPress 5.6 (fresh install) with only these two plugins active:
– WP Mail Logging v1.9.7
– WooCommerce v4.9.0
Many thanks in advance and have a great evening.
]]>Im using tinyMCE advanced on a bbPress based website.
As you know, features likes custom emoticons are important to the users.
So I would know if there is any way to build some custom plugin or something to add / replace custom emoticons straight into the tinyMCE core.
If someone got an idea or something, it would help.
]]>I am using the latest versions of WordPress (Multisite configuration) and the Events Manager plugin. Tried to enter an event this morning and got the dreaded error:
“Something went wrong saving your event to the index table. Please inform a site administrator about this.”
After checking all over, removing and reinstalling the plugin, accessing the database and checking online forums – I deleted the draft and tried saving a draft without any text in the text editor – just the event name, date, location and featured image. It saved properly. I then added the text and saved to draft again. The error came back.
I realized it was likely there was some problem with the text. I deleted the only thing I knew was a little different – a text-based emoticon that was being transformed into its graphic representation. The event posted properly. So, there could be a problem – if you use emoticons in event posts.
For me – this is not a show stopper. I just put this in support so others wouldn’t spend the hours I did this morning trying to track down this error.
]]>Characters like this:
This looks like it’s not a general WordPress issue since I can input emoji characters into a post without problem.
Can anyone confirm this issue and if possible provide a solution?
]]>Instead of the four line menu icon, when I view my site on an iPad it shows a penguin emoticon. Any advice on how to fix this asap??
Thank you!
]]>after adding information to the profile, the message and the emoticon (sad face) remain visible. This is not a big deal because you could switch it of manually. However, it would be great if this works automatically after adding information to the profile (I guess that was the intention).
Best regards,