I have several questions.
Many pages are empty and I have no idea how to add text to them. I use the divi theme and when I try to open the page to add text, nothing happens. I only see the title and can’t change anything on that page.
1) How do we fill in these pages?
2) Or better yet, do we even NEED to fill in these pages? I only noticed the empty Power of Revocation page because it was linked in the invoice.
3) How do I change that link in the invoice?
4) Also, how do I access and change the checkboxes in the cart about ‘Your Order’?
5) Can you also please lead me to an easy woocommerce set up for NON developers after you help me with the stuff above? If so, I’d also be very grateful.
This plugin is SO hard!!!
Thank you,
This is generated html clicking “dashboard”:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if IE 8]>
<html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="ie8 wp-toolbar" lang="it-IT">
<!--[if !(IE 8) ]><!-->
<html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" class="wp-toolbar" lang="it-IT">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Dashboard ‹ xxx — WordPress</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
addLoadEvent = function(func){if(typeof jQuery!="undefined")jQuery(document).ready(func);else if(typeof wpOnload!='function'){wpOnload=func;}else{var oldonload=wpOnload;wpOnload=function(){oldonload();func();}}};
var ajaxurl = '/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php',
pagenow = 'toplevel_page_inc_optins',
typenow = '',
adminpage = 'toplevel_page_inc_optins',
thousandsSeparator = '.',
decimalPoint = ',',
isRtl = 0;
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0">
Another question is (when Hustle will come back to work): is possible to limit the show of the popup only on first page view by the visitor, but not using “Never see this popup”, just use temporary cookies?
]]>Admin Columns ||?ver. | AdminColumns.com
Contact Form 7 ||?ver. 4.6 | Takayuki Miyoshi
Content Progress ||?ver. 1.3.12 | Joseph Dolson
Disable Emojis ||?ver. 1.5.2 | Ryan Hellyer
Display Posts Shortcode ||?ver. 2.7.0 | Bill Erickson
Duplicate Post ||?ver. 3.1.2 | Enrico Battocchi | Doner | Overs?t
Events Manager ||?ver. | Marcus Sykes
Font Awesome 4 Menus ||?ver. 4.7.0 | New Nine Media
Genesis Shortcodes ||?ver. 0.7.0 | Travis Smith
Genesis Simple Edits ||?ver. 2.1.4 | Nathan Rice
Genesis Simple Hooks ||?ver. 2.1.2 | Nathan Rice
Genesis Simple Sidebars ||?ver. 2.0.4 | Nathan Rice
Genesis Style Trump ||?ver. 1.0.3 | Carrie Dils
Genesis Visual Hook Guide ||?ver. 0.9.5 | Christopher Cochran
Jetpack af WordPress.com ||?ver. 4.4.2 | Automattic
Optimize Images Resizing ||?ver. 1.3.0 | OriginalEXE
Post Type Switcher ||?ver. 3.0.0 | John James Jacoby
Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin ||?ver. 5.1.8 | anadnet | Quick Redirects | FAQ | Donate
Regenerate Thumbnails ||?ver. 2.2.6 | Alex Mills (Viper007Bond)
SG CachePress ||?ver. 2.3.11 | SiteGround
Shortcake (Shortcode UI) ||?ver. 0.7.0 | Fusion Engineering and community
TinyMCE Advanced ||?ver. 4.4.3 | Andrew Ozz
I realise that the Duplicate Post plugin has had a similar problem. So I’m not pointing any specific fingers here. Hoping this might help some people.
]]>I did nothing on my Website for over 2 years (terrible), and now that I would like to work on it again, I see no content in the pages. The Website looks normal (www.xardinia.com), but if I log in in my admin pannel, I can see no text, no photogallery…nothing…so I can’t work on it
Do you have any idea what the Problem could be?
Thanks a lot!!!
]]>When i select numbers of Posts per page (6) in Build Posts Query, there are always empty – blank pages after (6) posts in main page.
I have no events, and they never have?
How do I remove these or hide them from Google and other search engines, as 277 page errors is something nobody wants…
]]>I have a problem. Pages of my blog show only title. Look at the link.
But, posts are working correctly.
How I fix this problem?