I have question about automatization. I have 3 different URLS which giving me 3 different csv and which I need repeatedly importing into my eshop via some cron defined exact time date tasks. Before importing, I need delete all previous imports with items, images etc. Is possible enhance this plugin into automatized script? How will cost this customization? can you place proposal to my email address..?
]]>I’m using Twenty Twenty-Two theme with fresh install of WordPress 6 and can’t get why is it so (!) different in performance between Desktop and Mobile.
Here’re two screenshots.
Desktop 95 points
Mobile 67 points
So, what can I do to enhance mobile performance or to find what causes moderate mobile performance?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Thank you!
]]>1. Add an option to add MathML, SVG, and other markup-tags to the “extended_valid_elements”. I wrote the below code that I use in a “mu-plugin” I made.
function mce4_options($opt){
$opt['extended_valid_elements'] = 'math[class|id|xmlns|altimg|alttext|display|overflow],semantics[encoding|definitionURL],annotation[encoding|definitionURL|cd|name|src],annotation-xml[cd|name|encoding|definitionURL|src],merror,mtext,mspace,mover[accent|align],munder,munderover,mstack,mrow[dir],msrow,mfenced[open|close|separators],menclose[notation],mphantom,msup,msub,msubsup,mmultiscripts,mi,mn,mo[fence],ms,mtable,mtr,mtd,mlabeledtr,mfrac[linethickness|bevelled|numalign|denomalign],mfraction,msline,msqrt,mroot,mscarries,mscarry,oma,oms,omi,omv';
return $opt;
2. Add option to set the schema, such as – “$opt[‘schema’] = ‘html5-strict’;”
3. Add an option to make the editor stop replacing “code” tags with back-ticks.
4. Add an option to make the editor stop putting br-tags in MathML’s “math” tag and MathML’s other tags.
5. Add a variety of other options, such as disabling drag-and-drop-upload ($opt[‘drag_drop_upload’] = false;), specifically setting allowed font-sizes, disabling the statusbar, and more.
As for my questions –
1. If I made a TinyMCE plugin/button/tool, how could I submit it to you for possible inclusion with “TinyMCE Advanced”?
2. How can I submit code additions/changes for “TinyMCE Advanced” like developers do on GitHub?
]]>1. Use an unordered list for the suggestions rather than a collection of spans and break-tags.
2. Ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.3 (current compatibility is “3.9.8”), HTML5/XHTML5, PHP7 (for when WordPress migrates to PHP7), and BBPress 2.5.8.
3. Fix the typo on the “Description” page. “plubic” should be “public” in “This extension has a plubic GitHub page where users can contribute fixes and improvements.”.
]]>1. Merge “Ban Hammer” (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ban-hammer/) with your plugin, or add the ability to list email domains (such as “@fileprotect.org”) that cannot be used for registration.
2. Specify whether the “Bad User Agents List” and “Spam Words List” are case-insensitive or not. If they are case-sensitive, perhaps you could add an option to make them case-insensitive.
3. Incorporate the features from “Math Captcha” (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/wp-math-captcha/).
By the way, if you would like a copy of my “Block Lists” to add to the plugin, feel free to let me know.
]]>I am currently looking for a plugin that can do the following, but I am struggeling to find one…
– Use the standard/ built in media library, but
– Sort/ filter items in the Media Library according to the item they are attached to and/ or the date of the item attached to (not the date of the media item itself)
Can anyone please point me in the right direction?
I would like the users of my blog to reply to posts in much the same way as a post is created i.e. format text, insert image, etc.
Is this possible at all? Would be great. Doesn’t have to be as complex as creating a post but customising text and linking (doesn’t need to upload – but that would be cool) images. It is an internal blog so no need to worry about rogue spammers clogging it with rubbish.
(Actually much like the way I just posted this! :-D)
Any thoughts or is this just too much?