The first three images look correct and are 1000×1000 pixels, which is what I have the slider width and height set to.
The next image is 665×1000, and the next is 1000×702 pixels.
The rectangular images are automatically enlarged to fit the shorter side into the viewer so it is cropped into a square.
How can I change it so it doesn’t enlarge and I can view the whole image?
]]>here’s a view of my photo gallery
I am using WP-Cylce plugin and the images were displaying fine, however now it has suddenly decided to enlarge them, making the resolution look bad, cutting of the pics, cutting off the text.
Tha actual images are 910×290 px exactly the same size as the box and also the settings in WP-cycle are set to 910×290
Why is it doing this?
here is the website
]]>Hopefully someone on this forum has the answer for me.
If you go to you’ll see 40 images on a page. Those images have a dimension of 640×480 pixels each but I set a smaller dimension for every image of 335×251 pixels so they would fit nicely on the page.
What I want to accomplish now is when someone clicks an image it resizes to it’s original size (upscaling it if you will) on the same page (popping to the front sort of speak). Clicking the image again or next to it resizes it back to it’s smaller size. I only want this to happen to the images on this page. I know there are plugins that can do exactly this with two images (a thumbnail and a larger version of the image), think of thickbox, highslide, shadowbox, etc. but I want to do this with only one image (without an actual thumbnail).
Does someone know how to do this with javascript, CSS or possible a WordPress plugin? I tried several plugins already that looked like they would do the job but the problem I always had with those plugins is that they affected EVERY image in your blog and I only need it for these 40 images. A way of inserting code per image would be the best solution… if possible of course.
]]>I’m pretty much a newbie with wordpress. I’m pretty technically proficient (network administrator) but not so great when it comes to code.
I’d like to be able to expand the “border” in my “Chaotic Soul” themed blog to encapture (and center) larger photographs.
Here’s an example:
As you can see, the photo of the painting extends beyond the white borders.
Of course, I could simply shrink the photographs but, as my blog is also a venue for my own photos, I’d prefer not to.
Many thanks in advance for your kindly responses.
]]>I’m proposing the best idea would be just to delete the whole chaos folder and reupload it…because when i switch it to kubrick, everything works fine…
i would appreciate any help anyone can give me…
]]>Thanks for the help – it’s very much appreciated.
I an new to WordPress, and although I’ve spent hour reading in Help, I’m still not able to accomplish the three things I’m trying to do (yes, I’m frustrated, and feel like an idiot as well : )
1. I would like to add my own header that I’ve created. I am using the default Theme. I’ve read the code, messages inside it, and the Help areas, but to date I’ve not make any result in changing the header.
2. I would like to make the font size in the right side navigation just a little bit bigger.
3. I would also like to make the font color in the navigation a darker shade of blue.
Thanks very much to anyone that can help!